The seed is being planted for a new indoor theater – 2024-03-15 06:51:13

by times news cr

2024-03-15 06:51:13

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The new management of the Municipal Regional Theater of Ioannina sets a grandiose goal, that of building a new, modern theater hall, without ignoring the difficulties of the whole project, but with the ambition to make it the beginning during its term of office.

“Our main pursuit and I consider it a corresponding necessity is to launch the building construction procedures for the needs of our Municipal Regional Theatre. With a study, a plan and a vision, with the support of the mayor and I believe the entire municipal council, we will launch these procedures, asking for the support and assistance of everyone for something that Ioannina and Epirus need and are entitled to”, emphasized the president of DIPETHE Ioannina Giorgos Kapsalis, in the context of a press conference.
The prospect of a new “home” for the DIPETHE of Ioannina, which today is essentially housed in the Kamperio Foundation and its administrative services in the Pyrsinella Mansion, is placed at the level of priority and a lot of preliminary work is required to formulate a first proposal and for all the rest to follow.
“We are at the beginning, but I am not going to leave it to his luck”, said G. Kapsalis, adding that he will consult the engineers and architects, who are on the Board of Directors. of the theater, while what exactly can be done will also depend on the available spaces and funding possibilities. The president of DIPETHE emphasized that his initial priority is to highlight the necessity for the city and Epirus in general to have a closed theater, as well as the obligation of many factors to achieve the goal.
Because, of course, all this is long-term, actions are also taken for direct interventions. At the first meeting of the Board of Directors it was decided to completely replace the lining of all the seats in the Camperio, as well as to restore those of them that present problems, while, in cooperation with the Metropolis, matters of complete restoration of the theater’s heating were regulated. Also, a movable ramp will be installed for wheelchair access to the theater, while the search for a suitable place to store the theater’s props, for future reuse, has begun.

Collaboration for a festival in ancient Dodoni

The second important piece of news from the press conference concerns the willingness of the DIPETHE of Ioannina to cooperate with the Municipality of Dodoni for the organization of a Festival at the archaeological site of Dodoni, given the intention of the Municipality of Ioannina to revive the Festival of Ancient Drama, which had started on of T. Bega’s previous term.
“Our immediate goal is, initially at the level of mayors, our cooperation with the Municipality of Dodoni for the summer performances at the ancient theater of Dodoni. Our proposal is the word “cooperation”, which we can shape together”, said G. Kapsalis, estimating that both sides will realize that the common interest and benefit is cooperation.

The problem is the lack of an artistic director

The main issue facing the new management is the lack of an artistic director, even though the previous management had been submitting a request to the Ministry of Interior since last August. With today’s data, the Board of Directors he does not have the right to announce the position and is obliged to wait.
“We cannot, however, wait without planning and programming internal procedures, so that we can have the similar show in the summer”, emphasized G. Kapsalis. On March 28, the performances of the Central Stage begin with the play “The Slaves” by Jean-Genet, directed by Yiannis Kontou.
In contrast, however, to the difficulty of cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, DIPETHE has support from the Ministry of Culture, which has already sent the new programming contract, with key differences on the one hand its three-year validity, on the other the €10,000 increase in sponsorship of the Ministry to each Regional Theater (a total of 80,000 euros).
The DIPETHE of Ioannina also expects further financial support from the Region of Epirus, which is a partner in the program contract. “We proposed and included, for the first time, its representative on the Board of Directors of DI.PE.THE. of Ioannina, looking forward to a closer cooperation and support”, said G. Kapsalis, who thanked the mayor Thomas Bega for the support in the work of the Board, the vice president Agni Drimtzia and the members of the Board. of DI.PE.THE. of Ioannina for their interest and willingness to offer, as well as the few but worthy, as he described it, administrative, technical and artistic staff of the theater. Finally, he did not fail to thank the former president of DI.PE.THE. Christina Kotsantis of Ioannina for informing us and our cooperation, as well as municipal councilor Aleka Vakalopoulou, former president of DI.PE.THE., for her interest and positive attitude.

The goal is an open theater

The vice-president of the Board of Directors focused on the availability of all members of the board of directors for work and contribution. of the DIPETHE of Ioannina Agni Drimtzia, characterizing the mayor’s proposal and her cooperation with the president G. Kapsalis as honorable.
“We are nine members and nine substitutes, who have different starting points in our lives, but we have a common goal and a common vision. And of course the appetite and love for the city. With all these as supplies we will move”, he emphasized, adding that the goal of the administration is for all citizens to be close to DIPETHE. “I believe that we will achieve this with productions that will involve as many groups as possible in the city, that will not be limited to aesthetic and artistic contexts, but will spread across different genres and will involve many of our fellow citizens,” he emphasized.
As it became known, all the departments of PPE, People with Disabilities and the Amateurs department are re-opening, which will present their work to the public in the second half of May. A letter will also be immediately sent to all the schools in the Region, who would like to put on a performance in the theater, while from the next school year a closer cooperation with the school units will be sought. Finally, there will be communication with the theater groups of the city and the region to inform and address common issues.

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