The Segura basin remains at a pre-alert level

by time news

2023-08-08 02:28:35

The Segura basin maintains the pre-alert level according to the scarcity indicators defined in the Special Drought Plan (PES) of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS) for the global system, as reported by sources from that body in a statement.

Regarding the drought indicators, the basin continues to be out of the situation of prolonged drought, which remove the declaration of extraordinary drought.

If the containment of consumption is maintained, the CHS affirms that it can guarantee water for human supply, irrigation and industrial uses until the end of September without the need to apply restrictions, “thanks to the management carried out by the basin organization and the episode of rainfall recorded during the months of May and June“.

However, the Confederation has once again emphasized that “it will be necessary to continue adjusting” the consumption to the discharges approved by the Discharge Commission, in order to guarantee the supply in this hydrological year to reach the end of it “with a adequate volume of reserves.

Scarcity indicators

The scarcity indices of the Segura basin are are at the pre-alert level as of August 1, 2023. The concrete, the scarcity index of the global system that includes the contributions of the basin and those received by the Tagus-Segura transfer stands at 0.302 out of 1.

Individually, the scarcity index of the basin system is 0.356 (pre-alert) over 1. For its part, the scarcity index of the transfer system is 0.247 over 1 (alert).

By zones, the main Territorial Unit (UTE) and the capital are on pre-alert, while the left and right banks are in a “normal” situation in relation to the short-term shortage index.

Finally, the Segura basin confirms a situation of absence of prolonged drought in strict reference to the rainfall recorded in the entire basin.

#Segura #basin #remains #prealert #level

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