The Seimas approved the candidacy of A. Kubilius for European Commissioners

by times news cr

70 members of the Seimas voted “for”, 24 voted “against”, 15 MPs abstained. True, later the peasant Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė asked her vote to be counted as “against”.

It seems that all the questions should have been answered on Tuesday – after the start of the extraordinary session of the Seimas regarding the appointment of A. Kubilias, the members of the Seimas questioned the MEP on all the issues they were concerned about.

Later, A. Kubilius went on a tour of meetings among opposition factions, where he received even more questions about his candidacy for European Commission (EC) members.

Finally, Seimas members returned to vote. And right before the voting, the party representatives shared their arguments why they decided to support him or not to vote for A. Kubilii – and here A. Kubilii had to listen to the most colorful thoughts of Seimas members about him.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė thanked the members of the Seimas, who both supported and refrained from the temptation to vote against A. Kubiliaus’ candidacy.

“We had to hear a lot here – between delusion and lies,” said the Head of the Government.

E. Gentvilas reminded of the past

Before the vote, the elder of the Liberal Movement faction, Eugenijus Gentvilas, shared his memories of the past and the work he had done together with A. Kubilius.

“In December 2002, Veido magazine chose the three most populist Lithuanian politicians – I won’t say who they are – and the three least populist. Valdos Adamkaus was there, and I am very proud that next to A. Kubiliaus, the third surname was also mine. We were the three smallest populists in Lithuanian politics of that period, and when we see Andriaus’ activity in Lithuanian politics, we know that he did not work for pop.

It seems that the phrase “The easy way is not our way” belongs to him, by the way, Ingrida Šimonytė likes to repeat this phrase very often, without mastering it”, said E. Gentvilas.

Ž. Pavilionis: A. Kubilius will do something that will be important for Lithuania for decades

Conservative Žygymantas Pavilionis said that A. Kubilius has been associated with the words “Europe”, “Strategy” and “Unity” since long ago.

“I remember that it was very difficult for Lithuania to start negotiations on membership in the European Union – in 1997 we were not invited.

And in 1999, when Andrius came, we suddenly became the darlings of the negotiations”, – recalled Ž. Pavilionis, emphasizing that this was mainly influenced by the personal relationship of A. Kubilius with the European Commissioner for Development, who was, as the member of the Seimas emphasized, a social democrat .

Ž. Pavilionis said that he is sure that A. Kubilius will do something in his new position that will be important for Lithuania for decades.

“The Russian shutdown will happen in real time. I am convinced that Russia will be stopped, because it will be Europe that will take the lead in this process,” said Ž.Pavilionis.

A. Armonaitė emphasized the activity of A. Kubiliaus

The chairwoman of the Freedom Party, Aušrinė Armonaitė, started her speech of support for A. Kubilius with a joke.

“Out of all the women proposed by the Freedom Party, the Prime Minister chose and presented A. Kubiliu. And yet, we think that this is an excellent candidacy”, emphasized A. Armonaitė.

According to A. Armonaitė, while still working in the Seimas, in the European Affairs Committee, A. Kubilius not only communicated a clear vision for Europe, but also concentrated his efforts to make Europe stronger, more proactive, less clumsy than it sometimes is in foreign policy.

D. Gaižauskas cut sharply

Peasant Dainius Gaižauskas thought that perhaps even A. Kubilius did not expect that after so many years he would have to run for office again and explain to the Seimas “who he is” and what his strengths are.

“But, unfortunately, this happened because the young generation and their new party chairman, G. Landsbergis, the leader of the leaders, compromised in such a way that in practice he will not only lose the position of the party chairman, but also all the positions he hoped to get,” D said. .Gaižauskas.

The LVŽS member reminded that at the group meeting he himself asked A. Kubilius about the mistakes of the younger generation of conservatives, and asked his position on corruption crimes in politics.

“This is how it turned out that, being an old conservative, he kept quiet for the time being about all the newly revealed circumstances that compromise his party, its young generation,” remarked D. Gaižauskas, who mentioned both Monika Navickienė and Andrii Vyšniauskas. He criticized this politician a lot.

“The most important thing is that this young politician, who, it seems, also destroyed his life and political career, is a former student of A. Kubilius, he (was) an assistant all the time,” explained the peasant.

Therefore, in the opinion of D. Gaižauskas, A. Kubilius should have stated more clearly whether corruption in the party can be tolerated, whether such a politician against whom such serious accusations have been leveled can run for the new Seimas.

“Unfortunately, Kubilius kept silent,” said the peasant.

According to D. Gaižauskas, A. Kubilius simply cannot be a European Commissioner, because his personal and professional qualities are very weak.

“Now in Lithuania, when people hear the name of A. Kubiliaus, people cheer, but it is possible that the whole of Europe will cheer soon,” the peasant thought.

A. Skardžius decided to remind all the merits of A. Kubilius

Artūras Skardžius, representing a mixed group of Seimas members, said that the post of European Commissioner is like the “Oscar” of politics.

“I would like to remember all the “merits”, because now A. Kubilius is talking about the fact that he wants to get such a responsibility, where we could give the greatest added value to Europe”, said A. Skardžius.

A.Skardžius started with A.Kubiliaus’s step into big politics in 1999 and the contract with “Williams” regarding “Mažeikiai nafta”, he recalled the economic crisis of 2008-2012 and the tightening of belts, the liquidation of “Leo LT”, “Achemos”, Astravos nuclear power plants , the stories of Klaipėda Nafta.

“After evaluating all this, I would seriously consider whether it is possible to present such an Oscar to our very deserving, common friend A. Kubilis,” he said.

A. Kubilius himself also responded

A. Kubilius himself, after the statements of all Seimas members, admitted that he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

“First of all, thank you for all the words. I even feel uncomfortable hearing so many praises, starting with Eugenius (Gentvil – You called him everything – both “Oscar” and the father of democracy. Of course, thank you, but this is really very, very unusual for me, because I feel that I am, in popular terms, the same Andrius, a member of the community of this palace”, said A. Kubilius.

Soon, A. Kubilius reacted to certain stories mentioned by A. Skardius.

“We are all representatives of Lithuania, no matter where we work, and together we create Lithuania. But we must remember that together we are creating the European Union (EU). While creating the EU, we are creating Lithuania at the same time. We create and grow, protect and grow. And that is our responsibility.

Sometimes it seems that we forget that the EU is also our property. I see that responsibility, the perspective of which, I hope you will support me, I hope you will support my perspective, I see it as a huge responsibility, through the EU, to strengthen Lithuania as well”, said A. Kubilius.

“I can promise one thing – if you support my candidacy today, we will continue to work together,” he assured.

2024-09-04 02:16:30

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