2024-05-13 08:23:07
The phenomenon of selfies is in full swing. We take advantage of any place, tourist or everyday, to take these types of photos and upload them to social networks.
With these images we not only say what we do and where we are, but we also expose ourselves to different opinions, and for all this, one of the observed consequences of this photographic trend is the performance of aesthetic operations.
“The phenomenon selfie is constantly increasing because we spend more and more time with our mobile“explains Ainhoa Placer, member of Communication and Social Networks of the Spanish Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Secpre). “These photos of yourself, with the arm as maximum distance normally, are not the best focus and distanceand can maximize that certain traits we don’t like about ourselves They look even worse,” he comments.
What is the profile of the people who undergo surgery? selfies?
People who opt for these surgical interventions have a profile “similar to any other demandalthough I would dare to say that, perhaps, with a little more insecuritysince you have made a query about something you have seen in a photo and did not like, and not like in other cases where it is a problem that has always bothered you,” Placer specifies.
According to data from a report released by the Secpre, through a questionnaire to the members of the institution, “one in 10 people who resort to cosmetic surgery does so influenced by the selfies”specifies Placer, who recognizes that There is no “comparison with previous studies to be able to say how much this demand has increased”Add.
With this type of operations the objective to be achieved is “eliminate or improve what the person has seen in the self-portrait made with the mobile phone, or selfie, and that he did not like it and it made him uncomfortable”, indicates the specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.
As to whether or not the people who demand these operations pay attention to figures such as influencers, the surgeon says that they do it the same as in some artist, singer or actress. “Really what we are talking about is the relationship between becoming selfieswith or without filters, and for that reason objectify some part that they do not like and demand cosmetic surgery to improve it,” says Placer.
What are the most requested surgical interventions?
“The greatest demands are for facial surgery, since the face is where the photos are normally taken,” says Placer. In general surgery, the expert talks about five cosmetic surgery operations as the most requested:
- Breast surgery.
- Liposuction.
- Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).
- Filled with autologous fat.
- Rhinoplasty.
The future of these operations
As a consequence of the habitual use of the mobile phone to take photographs, Placer comments that “This phenomenon may continue to increase.”. In addition, filters “make us look better, and There will be people who want to look like the filter with which the selfie”concludes the specialist.