The Senate continues to tighten the “immigration” bill

by time news

2023-11-07 05:00:09
The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, in the Senate, at the start of the examination of the “immigration” bill on November 6, 2023, in Paris. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “THE WORLD”

“Firmness” et « simplification » : before the Senate, Monday November 6, as the examination in public session of the “immigration” bill began, Gérald Darmanin defended a text which addresses migration issues, one of the “two great challenges of our century”according to him, alongside environmental issues.

In his opening speech, the Minister of the Interior avoided articles 3 and 4 of the text, which plan to simplify the regularization of undocumented workers and to authorize certain asylum seekers to work. Measures that make the right bristle, whose support is essential. In Mr. Darmanin’s remarks, only the end of the confinement of minors under 16 years of age in administrative detention centers in mainland France was cited in the name of“humanity” Bill.

The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, a former member of the Socialist Party, did not come to defend the text at the government bench on Monday, even though he officially co-sponsors it. Also absent is the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, who appears before the Court of Justice of the Republic.

“Firmness” therefore, supported Mr. Darmanin in a Senate hemicycle dominated by elected officials from the Les Républicains (LR) party and centrists. Firmness against “delinquent foreigners” or who “do not respect the values ​​of the Republic”, or firmness in the requirement of mastery of French for immigrants who wish to obtain a multi-year residence permit.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In the Senate, the political crisis is brewing around the “immigration” bill

The « simplification », it concerns in particular contentious procedures in immigration law or the rules for examining asylum applications. The Minister of the Interior also announced that he wanted to defend a series of new amendments on behalf of the government. The criteria for nullity “for formal reasons” which can lead to the release of a foreigner judged ” dangerous “ and placed in an administrative detention center by the judge of freedoms and detention would be limited to cases “which substantially infringe the rights of foreigners”. ” Today, [les étrangers connus pour troubles à l’ordre public] who are in detention centers (…) are people who are either on file for radicalization, or known for acts of delinquency”M. Darmanin argued.

Numerous concessions from the government

The government also wants to extend the ban on the return of expelled foreigners to French territory to a maximum of ten years, instead of five years. Mr. Darmanin also stated his intention to force any irregular person arrested by the police, and “who uses asylum to stay longer on the territory”to apply for asylum “in detention and in an accelerated manner”. He also wishes to be able to simplify the withdrawal of a residence permit from a refugee who has returned to his country of origin or even the means of rejecting asylum requests from those who have obtained protection in another country.

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#Senate #continues #tighten #immigration #bill

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