The Senate opens a commission of inquiry into TikTok

by time news

The commission of inquiry can compel employees of TikTok France to be heard under oath. GIVEN RUVIC / REUTERS

The proposal made by the Les Indépendants-République et Territoires group has been validated. The 19 members of the commission will be appointed on March 1.

After the concentration of the media, the influence of private consulting firms on public policies or the situation of the hospital, the Senate is preparing to investigate a foreign company: TikTok.

The law commission and the conference of presidents gave the green light on Wednesday evening to a proposal tabled on February 1 by the group Les Indépendants-République et territories. According to its title, this senatorial inquiry will look into “the use of the TikTok social network, its use of data and its influence strategy.She will have to submit her conclusions within a maximum of six months.

This commission will be made up of 19 senators, who will be appointed by the various parliamentary groups. This nomination process will take place on March 1st.

Growing reputational difficulties

The creation of this commission of inquiry is an initiative of Senator Claude Malhuret in view of the multiplication of concerns raised by the media and by statements by regulators on both sides of the Atlantic on the Chinese social network. Addiction, misinformation, propaganda, moderation…”it seems particularly important to shed full light on the veracity of these accusations“, can we read in the explanatory memorandum. The text emphasizes thatthese difficulties already existed on the historical platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram.But the Chinese origins of TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, “increases the magnitude of these difficulties.»

“We appreciate this opportunity to set the record straight regarding misunderstandings TikTok has been subjected to, as well as all the steps we are taking to protect our community, and our continued efforts to fully comply with European law.», the reaction of TikTok France. «We have gone further than any other platform in terms of transparency, and have always had constructive discussions with elected officials. The privacy and safety of the TikTok community are our top priorities, and we will continue to do everything we can to ensure our users have the safest and most caring experience. »

The opening of this senatorial investigation is one more stone in the reputational difficulties encountered by TikTok in Europe. At the beginning of January, the director of the social network, Shou Zi Chew, spoke with several European commissioners in Brussels. “TikTok must go the extra mile (…) to regain the trust of regulatorswhether it concerns the protection of personal data, the safety of minors or the fight against Russian disinformation, underlined Commissioner Vera Jourova. “It is not acceptable that behind seemingly funny features it takes users seconds to access harmful and sometimes even dangerous contentadded Commissioner Thierry Breton.

The pressure is even stronger in the United States, where TikTok is accused by many elected officials of being a tool of espionage and propaganda in the pay of Beijing. Several states have banned the smartphone app from their officials. Shou Zi Chew is expected in Congress on March 23 where he will be heard by the Commerce Committee.

“Getting your foot in the door”

Will he also be questioned by the French Senate? Nothing prevents the commission of inquiry from summoning him, but “we can only compel French citizens or people working for a French company to testify“, explained Claude Malhuret during a press conference. Only employees of TikTok France will not be able to avoid a hearing under oath. “The commission will also hear those who have worked on these subjects: members of the administration, journalists, researchers, etc.“, continues the senator. It also has the power to request documents from TikTok France.

«I have no illusions. We are not going to update all of TikTok’s secrets, or be able to analyze the algorithms used“said Claude Malhuret. TikTok also risks invoking business secrecy. But the commission of inquiry will be able toput a foot in the door“says the senator. “I don’t have a crystal ball, but the auditions should make it possible to bring up subjects and open doors that are currently closed.“, he continues. “We are going to move forward in untangling the thread and revealing the gray areas.»

SEE ALSO – A man tortured live on Tiktok was found dead in Lyon

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