The Senate suspends the reform of the diplomatic corps at the origin of an extremely rare strike at the Quai d’Orsay

by time news

The reform of the diplomatic corps, at the origin of an extremely rare strike at the Quai d’Orsay at the beginning of June, risks in the state of weakening the influence of France internationally and must be suspended while adding, at a minimum, safeguards, recommends a report from the Senate presented on Tuesday.

“This reform does not bring any improvement, quite the contrary, to the status and efficiency of our diplomats”, declared Christian Cambon, chairman (LR) of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee during a press conference in Paris.

A reform signed Macron

Wanted by Emmanuel Macron, the reform of the senior civil service creates a new corps of State administrators and provides that senior civil servants are no longer attached to a specific administration but are, on the contrary, invited to change regularly throughout the throughout their career.

For the approximately 700 diplomats directly affected by the reform, this translates into a merger and then a gradual “extinction” by 2023 of the two historic bodies of French diplomacy, ministers plenipotentiary (ambassadors) and foreign affairs advisers.

A loss of expertise

Clearly, these two bodies can now be staffed by State administrators – and no longer for a large part of them by trained diplomats – a development which in particular makes its detractors fear a loss of expertise on the field and in negotiation and in the long term a crisis of vocations.

The application of the reform “weakens the French diplomatic apparatus and will weaken the influence of France, which derives its rank as a power of the United Nations Security Council from the excellence of its diplomatic personnel more than from its economic or military performance” , pin in the report the senators Jean-Pierre Grand (The Independents – Republic and Territories) and André Vallini (Socialist, Ecologist and Republican).

Open dialog

Faced with this observation, the Senate committee calls for “suspending” the application of the reform, to “take the time to open an in-depth dialogue with the staff” and to implement eight of its recommendations designed as safeguards. crazy.

The report recommends in particular to set as a condition for becoming head of a diplomatic mission “to have exercised for at least three years the functions of number two of a diplomatic mission” – an exception for 20% of the posts of ambassadors could however be provided for.

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