The sentences of Francesco Alberoni-

by time news

2023-08-16 09:11:59


Falling in love, behind which the sociologist saw the dynamics of collective movements. But also politics, bioethics, even Harry Potter: the themes addressed by the thinker in the books and in his column in the Corriere

In his books, and in the Corriere della Sera, where from 1982 to 2011 he published his column Public & private on the front page every Monday, Francesco Alberoni, who died on Monday 14 August in Milan, was generous with withering sentences and definitions of the social phenomena that Italy, expressing itself on the sexual revolution, on the discovery of the private and of feelings, on the political phases of the country, on topics such as organ donation, the tastes of the television audience, the weakness of the leadership. Here is a rundown of his famous speeches, from essays and articles in the newspaper.

The love. What is falling in love? the nascent state of a collective movement for two: this is how the famous incipit of Falling in love and love (Garzanti, 1979) recites. Falling in love according to Alberoni is a form of nascent state or nascent condition, neither more nor less what happens in political movements, when an enthusiastic group falls in love with ideas and leaders. But be careful, Alberoni warned: Falling in love is not just being attracted to a person, seeing them beautiful and desirable. an inner change of the whole being, as he wrote in the book The Tree of Life (Garzanti, 1982). Also because you don’t fall in love when you are satisfied and satisfied, but when you are alone and unhappy, as the sociologist argued in his most famous book (the depressive overload that precedes all movements and falling in love) and in an interview with the agency Say, from 2015: We fall in love when we are not okay with who we are and who we are. We feel like prisoners and it seems that others are happier.

The sex. In the Corriere of 30 August 2010, Alberoni wittily wrote: We use the same expression, “making love”, to indicate two totally different things. The Americans have done better, in their practical simplicity, in introducing that ugly expression “having sex” which has the advantage of telling us that sex can be done like any practical thing: take a bath, have breakfast, go shopping. What about porn? Scientific and sociological, as well as feminist, the interpretation of pornography offered by Alberoni in L’erotismo (Garzanti, 1986): Pornography is a figure of the male imagination. the hallucinatory satisfaction of desires, needs, aspirations, fears typical of this sex. He continued to reason throughout his life on the different weights of falling in love, love, jealousy, sex, reflecting on the openings of society in matters of sexuality in his Public & Private column, on January 3, 2011: From the conflict between promiscuous sex and exclusive love today is slowly being born, little by little, a new knowledge and a new ethics of love and sex. And I am proud to have dedicated my life to writing about this subject which will become more and more important in the future.

Civil society. A broad debate around organ donation arose in the country at the dawn of the new millennium: after the Law of 1 April 1999, which established the principle of consent and external dissent (i.e. the need to give one’s authorization or explicitly deny it for the organ donation), the debate in the country was high. Alberoni had no doubts, he sided with those who supported the donation and advocated the civil, but also the spiritual, moral and social value of the gesture. On the Corriere of August 28, 2000, he wrote: Donating one’s organs, therefore, is a sacred gesture. to transform one’s death into life for the salvation of others. And, for those who have received this gift, carry their savior with them, in body and mind, with love and gratitude. And he concluded: There is a deep spiritual relationship between the transplanted person and the donor. An intimacy so strong that it is good that the transplanted person does not know who the donor is, does not know him.

The television. The sociologist didn’t love seriality, he loved originals, brilliant and unique characters, he had said so about Harry Potter (The first was a masterpiece – he wrote – but the publishing houses refused him; everyone rushed to buy the later books which are only variations on the first). But he also said it about television, in the Corriere of July 25, 2011: Counting on the conservatism of the public, the programmers of the generalist networks put the easiest, least expensive films and successful programs that are repeated ad nauseam in prime time . And he increased the dose: Basically a nefarious vicious circle has been created. The conservative public, the marketing people who are afraid of the new, therefore supply him with only mediocre stuff and thus contribute, year after year, to leveling his taste down. It’s a shame because the public is much more flexible and intelligent than they think, in fact, when you give them new and stimulating shows, they react very well.

The power. Alberoni had already expressed himself on the qualities of charismatic and powerful personalities in Movimento e stituzione and in the same Falling in love and love: there are figures around whom the expectations and enthusiasms of others are concentrated. In the Corriere della Sera of 5 July 2004, he specified the sketch of the charismatic boss who seems moved by an irrepressible instinct. Everywhere the decisive factor remains this inner drive which presents itself as restlessness, ambition, curiosity, courage to experiment with the new, tenacity, desire to succeed. And he continued: You can see it in the men and women who will succeed, who all have, without distinction, a great faith in themselves, a stubborn will to achieve their goal from which no one can distract them. So they fall and get back up. And the others perceive their superiority. They often envy them, fear them, try to stop them, but to no avail.

Politics. Half of the damage to a country depends on the persistence with which bad leaders hold back, hinder and paralyze the enterprising and active ones: Alberoni claimed this in Corriere della Sera on 30 September 2002. And he was not even gentle in judging what he considered historical errors: Almost all revolutionaries make catastrophic mistakes because they face totally new situations, he wrote, reflecting on the revolutions and the seizure of power by Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa, in the Corriere of 21 June 2010. As for Italy after Clean Hands, in the Corriere the sociologist offers a his analysis: In fact, the system only worked because in the past large parties were formed (DC, PCI, PSI) with a faith, values, programs, capable of making decisions. In his analysis, he observed the birth of local powers, the fracture of the PDL, the dissents in the Democratic Party and in the UDC, the formation of coalitions based on immediate political interests, the strengthening of the mafias, the emergence of new movements such as that of Cricket. And he concluded: I wonder if even large parties capable of unifying Northern and Southern Italians will be able to form. And leaders with a moral rigor and political wisdom that will allow them to overcome corruption and overcome current divisions and selfishness .

August 15, 2023 (change August 16, 2023 | 09:11)

#sentences #Francesco #Alberoni

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