The sequence of chapters of the American war on Iraq and its disastrous results – data – SANA

by time news


After inventing the lie (weapons of mass destruction), the United States launched a relentless war against Iraq in 2003. Its main goal was not only to seize Iraq’s vast oil wealth.Rather, the matter went beyond that to political, economic and civilizational reasons, the consequences of which led to the occurrence of hundreds of thousands of victims and the displaced, and the entry of the country into a spiral of violence and unrest with the emergence of terrorist organizations in which the American occupation had the main role.

The secrets of preparing for the American war on Iraq were revealed over the years, and were circulated in media reports, as well as in the corridors of international politics.

_ In August 2011

A leaked confidential document revealed that the United States secretly agreed with Britain to proceed with the war on Iraq five months before the invasion without being bound by obtaining a second UN resolution, despite London’s formal recognition of the UN resolution on the necessity of issuing another resolution before embarking on any military action.

_ In February 2010

Leaked British government documents confirmed the existence of a strong relationship between oil companies and institutions and the process of invading Iraq, and said: plans to exploit the Iraqi oil reserves were discussed between government officials and major international oil companies, especially British ones, including Shell, BP and BG a year ago. Iraq invasion.

On March 7, 2003

The British government informs the Attorney General at the time, Peter Henry Goldsmith, of the need to prepare a decision regarding the legality of waging war on Iraq without the need for a new UN resolution in an attempt to legitimize the invasion and mislead British and international public opinion, which Goldsmith agreed to, as revealed by secret British documents published in April 30, 2010.

On March 20, 2003

The catastrophic invasion of Iraq began, and that month was the bloodiest period, as the Iraqi Death Statistics Authority says: 3977 Iraqi civilians died during it, while the month of April that followed witnessed the fall of 3437 civilians.

April 9, 2003

It formed a pivotal point in the process of invading Iraq, when US forces took control of Baghdad, thus unleashing a spiral of violence and bloody events.

– City of Water in 2003

It witnessed several suicide bombings. On the 7th, a truck bomb attack took place on the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad, killing 17 people. On the 19th of August, a truck bomb exploded in the destruction of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad on the 19th of August, killing 22. people, including the UN envoy, Sergio Vieira de Mello.

January 2007

Bush announced his plan to increase the number of US forces in Iraq.

November 2004

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell resigned, who performed before the Security Council on February 5, 2003 a pre-prepared play about the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and later admitted that his information was erroneous.

November 11, 2010

Former US President George W. Bush admitted in his memoirs that he sent his forces to invade Iraq based on false intelligence, so that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair also admitted on October 25, 2015 that Washington and his country’s invasion of Iraq caused the emergence of the terrorist organization (ISIS).

Summer of 2007

A study prepared by the British Institute for Surveys revealed that the number of Iraqis killed by the American invasion until that date amounted to about one million people out of 26 million who are the population of Iraq, while other statistical reports indicated that the number of victims exceeded one million and 200 thousand Iraqis, in addition to hundreds of thousands of injured, and the displacement Millions as a result of the crimes and ambitions of the United States and its allies.

Basma Kannon

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