The series about the Watergate affair gives players a Shlomial aroma

by time news

“Gaslite”, Hot 3, Hot VOD, NEXT TV

If the people involved in the Watergate affair were as shlomiel as those appearing in the series about it, Nixon would still have remained president and the war in Vietnam would have continued. And what the makeup did to the face.

It would not be an exaggeration to assume that if the real players in the Watergate affair had acted like the Shlomiels in the “Gazlight” series, the affair would never have happened. They would be caught before they even left the house, fired or sent to prison for the bill. “Tricky Dickey” – Richard Nixon – would have remained the president of the USA, the war in Vietnam would have continued, and the way of the whole world would have marched, apparently to other regions.

A brief reminder: at the beginning of the 1970s, the mood in the USA was turbulent. The army was sinking into the war in Vietnam, airplanes loaded with the bodies of dead soldiers were landing non-stop. Young people refused to enlist or fled to neighboring Canada until the anger passed. The protest was led – or rode on the back of the decorated tiger – by the Democratic Party. Despite the huge advantage of the Republican Nixon in the polls, the top of his administration decided, apparently with the encouragement of the man himself, to start a campaign of espionage and sabotage in the Democratic Party, also in illegal ways. An intelligence team was established , broke into the Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington, D.C., took pictures of documents and planted microphones for surveillance. A few weeks later, after a malfunction with the microphones, the team broke into the offices in the Watergate building once again, its men were discovered by a rookie security guard who called the police and were arrested. The Watergate affair began.

The year was 1972. The investigation went from strength to strength. Throughout this time, the president denied any knowledge or connection to the events, until in August 1974 a tape was released that revealed the depth of his involvement in the affair. Four days later, Nixon resigned from the presidency. He was not put on trial after his deputy, Gerald Ford, was appointed president in his place and pardoned him.

“Gaslight” is told from the point of view of Martha Mitchell (Julia Roberts), the wife of US Attorney General John Mitchell (Sean Penn), who was close to Nixon at the time. A word of praise deserves here for the faithfulness of the make-up: the years that should have been Add to Julia Roberts successfully added. The main secret here is reserved for the person who made up Sean Penn. As in a cartoon quiz, whoever is able to quickly identify the actor Sean Penn in the man with the big belly, the big bald head and the four chins, is invited to call the production offices to coordinate receiving the prize.

But the makeup of the characters is of course marginal here. Apparently on purpose, the creators of the series decided to give the characters a primary and common trait for all of them, which is stupidity. According to “Gazlight”, the initiators and participants of Watergate were a collection of crazy, sex-drenched and power-hungry on the one hand, and soft, frightened and weak-willed on the other, and above all scumbags you wouldn’t let operate a grocery store.

It was this inefficiency that led to their capture and the beginning of the collapse of the domino line stone by stone until two years later it reached the door of the Oval Office in the White House and the resignation of the President. It is not clear why the creators chose to give such a shalomial aroma to the actors in the episode, and it is often portrayed as excessive, but the bottom line is that the plot, even if it is known and recognized and famous around the world, still holds the viewer throughout the six episodes of the series. Watergate, and Washington in general, no longer looked so clumsy and useless on the screens, that it’s hard to believe that American rule is conducted like this. On the other hand, America is the land of unlimited possibilities. Fact: They had Trump.

# To see or give up: to see. Not even to believe. Worth.

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