The serious penalty you face if you access a roundabout wrong

by time news

There are a number of basic rules of the road to follow at multi-lane roundabouts.

Gloriettes P.F.

Around 10% of traffic accidents occur at roundabouts. Whether due to ignorance or non-compliance with the regulations, accidents at roundabouts are recurring and often the causes are the same: errors when entering or exiting them. To prevent this type of accident, the Civil Guard reminds every so often what are the basic traffic rules in roundabouts multi lane.

For example, give way to those who are inside the roundabout, the vehicle that is occupying a lane has preference over the one that is going to access it, to leave the roundabout it is essential to be previously in the outside lane; just like it is false that you always have to drive in the outside lane. In fact, in the case of entering a roundabout and wanting to exit through the first exit, the vehicle must stay in the outside lane.

However, if we want to escape from the roundabout later on, we must stay in the center lanes until our exit approaches and only then cross over to the outside lane. If the traffic makes it impossible, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) indicates that the safest thing to do is take another turn and signal our intention so that other drivers know that we want to leave the roundabout.

Likewise, the DGT warns that the roundabouts are a different intersection from the rest because there is no right-hand priority rule. In your case, priority is given to the vehicle that is circulating through the roundabout as long as a sign or traffic light does not indicate otherwise.

They even point out that when entering a roundabout you have to do it from the right lane whenever possible.

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