The seriously injured in the attack flew to the USA together with his son-in-law

by time news

By the grace of heaven, the seriously injured from the attack ten days ago in Jerusalem, is recovering together with his son who was moderately injured, the two returned to the USA on a special flight and are hospitalized in Manhattan. Before the return, the singers Yoeli Klein and Lipa Shmeltzer cheered them on at Shaare Zedek Hospital

Rabbi Yehoshua Glick, father of nine children from the Satmer Hasidot, a resident of Williamsburg, New York, who came to the Holy Land to pray in the holy places for his son’s marriage and was seriously injured in the shooting attack near King David’s tomb ten days ago, is recovering at home, along with his son Baruch who was also injured in the attack . Before returning to the US, singers Yoeli Klein and Lipa Shmeltzer came to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem to make him happy.

Lipa Shameltzer visits the hospital next to Mandy Glick, Yehoshua’s brother.

Yehoshua Haresh Glick, left about a week ago from the intensive care unit to continue treatment in a regular ward at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. After he recovered, the director of the Ofer Marin hospital visited him in his room. When Glick and his family members thanked the professor with emotion for the dedicated and professional medical care that the father of the family received at the ‘Gates of Justice’ and which saved his life.

The director of Shaare Zedek Hospital, Prof. Ofer Marin in the room of Yehoshua Arash Glick.

During his hospitalization, the Rebbe Medushinsky came to visit him, who strengthened and encouraged him a lot, the Rebbe wished him a full recovery. In addition, other rabbis and rebbes visited him at the hospital.

The Rebbe Medushinsky visits Yehoshua.

Yesterday (Monday) Yehoshua and his son Baruch flew to the USA on an El Al flight, accompanied by volunteers from the ‘Air Rescue’ organization from the USA together with Hizki Berkowitz, a businessman and medical consultant and a friend of the family from the USA, the chairman of the Saad organization and the businessman Motti Fried who operated without A break from the first moment until it was confirmed that the injured man and his son-in-law are in the hospital in the USA.

Yehoshua Arash is still recovering and cannot speak due to the tube inside his mouth, he communicates with his family with the help of notes, his son Baruch, who was moderately injured, still cannot raise his left hand after receiving a bullet in his shoulder and hand, he is supposed to get married in the next month, his family members hope that he will recover by The wedding will function as one person.

Mandy Glick, the brother of Yehoshua Arash, arrived in Israel the day after the attack, and has not left him since, and is still by his side these days. Yehoshua Arash is one of the most beloved people in the community, he works as a director of nursing homes, and is a member of the Satmar camp committee (Mahara) in the United States. To see him soon back here in Williamsburg,” said Rabbi Naftali Moshe Indig, one of the Hasidic businessmen last week.

Continue to pray, together with the entire House of Israel, for the healing of Yehoshua Zvi ben Sarah (Glick), until he is fully recovered from his wounds.

In the meantime, the brothers Elazar and Dovi Prober who were injured in the attack fromA bullet that was taken in the shoulder, they were taken to different hospitals, Elazar was taken to Hadassah Mount Scopus, and Dobi to Shaarei Tzedek, after they were reunited at ‘Shaarei Tzedek’ they came to Yehoshua’s room to visit him and take pictures with him.

Eleazar and Dovi Prover visit Yehoshua.

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