The seven foods you should never eat, according to a prestigious cardiologist

by time news

Food, it is known, has a determining role in well-being and health and it is known that processed or high-fat products, for example, can have their side effects for the heart. From here, many times the best prevention can be achieved by shopping or in the kitchen and taking into account certain tips.

now the doctor Deepak Bhatt, A prestigious doctor who directs the cardiology area of ​​the Mount Sinai Hospital has revealed a list of foods that he never eats to maintain the good health of his heart which, after all, ends up being the protagonist in many of the deadly diseases in the countries. with greater well-being.

“The best advice in terms of a healthy diet for the heart it is a diet that is relatively low in calories”, defends the prestigious cardiologist. On his list there are seven banned products, as the Daily Mail recalls. They are these:

Coconut oil

“I wouldn’t cook too much with coconut oil,” defends Dr. Bhatt. This food came to be highly regarded in the late 2010s, when it was believed to be highly healthy. As with other foods, “too much of anything will probably turn out bad.” counterproductive» says the doctor.

However, as the cardiologist recalls, some studies are casting doubts on the effects of this type of oil in the heart. And it is that it contains more saturated fats than lard and, therefore, can cause an accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels.

In this sense, it has been seen that it can incite the atherosclerosis, or what is the same blockage of cholesterol in the arteries. “Some degree of caution is probably necessary” with this food, he advises.

excess protein

Another trend that has grown is diets based on protein consumption, for example, among gym users. And, as another leading cardiologist, in this case Dr. Andrew Freeman, warns, “it seems that we are protein obsessed. It’s not uncommon to see people eat twice as much protein as they may need in a day.”

“This can test the kidneys and it can cause more problems in the future,” says the doctor, who directs the area of ​​cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado, and is a member of the Leadership Council of the Section on Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases of the American College of Cardiology.

For Dr. Bhatt, the most serious thing in this case is that most people are already eating higher doses than normal and those who already have some kind of kidney damage may have a higher risk of disease. In addition, in many cases protein intake occurs with meats with high in saturated fatwhich can cause an increase in bad cholesterol, which can end up causing heart disease or cardiovascular accidents.

Thus, experts recall that the recommended amount of protein is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight, which means that a person who weighs 165 pounds should eat 60 grams of protein a day.

Energetic drinks

Also in question are energy drinks, which are already known to affect mental health or sleep and can also affect heart health. His high sugaradded to its ingredients, can cause an increase in blood pressure and cause arrhythmias.

“You have to be careful with energy drinks, herbs, supplements and things like that, because they can contain all kinds of substances that can cause arrhythmias or heart rhythm disturbances or other health problems”, warns Dr. Bhatt, who, along the same lines, advises “staying with things that are really healthy and real food and not fake food”.

In addition, the cardiologist recalls that these energy drinks “have many calories, sometimes they have quite high amounts of caffeine or other substances that can trigger abnormal heart rhythms.”

In this sense, Bhatt emphasizes the light sodas, which are also not the healthiest for the heart, since they tend to cause caloric cravings. “Obviously they are lower in calories than regular soda, but they tend to be super sweet and there is at least some research to suggest that they trick the brain into thinking ‘I need some calories.’

Dr. Bhatt is clear: “There is nothing better than agua» And if you want to drink liquid with some flavor, carbonating it or adding some fruit extract can give it a tastier touch without greatly altering its caloric level.

Red meat

“Worst [para la salud cardiovascular] it’s red meat. There is no doubt that it increases the risk of heart disease and also of cancer”, highlights Dr. Bhatt, who compares this food to tobacco at the level of risk. Indeed, processed meats Like sausage, bacon, and salami, they are high in calories, saturated fat, and salt, which raise bad cholesterol and can contribute to increased blood pressure or risk of heart attack or stroke.

In fact, a 2020 study, as the Daily Mail recalls, already suggested that eating four pieces of bacon was enough to increase the risk of heart disease. “Red meat seems to be particularly bad in terms of the reactions it triggers in the intestine or digestive system. Especially processed meats, which also create chemical reactions that create substances that are bad for cardiovascular health, especially when they interact with other organisms, the bacteria that live in our digestive tract,” warns the Mount Sinai cardiologist.


Multiple studies suggest that a controlled dose of alcohol can contribute to good health and Dr. Bhatt denies this theory. “It is a myth that it is good for heart health. Alcohol is essentially empty caloriesdevoid of any nutritional value. People shouldn’t be fooled into thinking they’re doing something good for their health,” she warns.

In this sense, the doctor recalls that there is evidence that just one dose of alcoholic beverage a day can already increase “the risk of problems with heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, known as atrial fibrillation». In this sense, Bhatt recalls that some of the products marketed as healthy are packed with a surprising amount of calories, fat and sugar.

In addition, experts warn, alcohol increases blood levels of renin hormonewhich causes the blood vessels to constrict, which increases blood pressure.

‘Fast food’

Although there is more awareness about the effects of this type of food, the truth is that their comfort and the efforts of their companies to make them more and more healthycause many to relax with their consumption.

For this reason, Dr. Bhatt is blunt with these foods, remembering that they are bad for the heart and that their excess salt can cause the patient’s medications to stop having their effects on the body. The food friedIn addition, they tend to be very high in calories, which is why he recommends “as far as possible, avoid all this type of diet.”

“Most fast food is made to be tasty, and that means lots of salt, lots of sugar. This excess salt can contribute to arterial hypertension, “warns the cardiologist.


Dr. Bhatt puts added sugar on his list of dangerous foods and, what is the same, desserts and sweets due to their content. “Especially simple sugars, white sugar and things like that, which is very prevalent in things like cakes and cookies, but even in a lot of breads, there’s just lots of sugar, salt and white flour»he remarked.

“Those types of carbs Simple, such as white flour, are generally the types of foods that increase the risk of diabetes and obesity, which are risk factors for heart disease,” warns the cardiologist.

Excess sugar consumption can increase fat storage in the body, particularly within the liver and around internal organs. Over time, the body can begin to resist the action of insulin and the pancreas has to produce more insulin to keep blood glucose levels within a normal range. The prolonged rise in blood sugar, experts add, can lead to the onset of type 2 diabetes.

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