The seventh extension to Viterbo Ambiente for 4 million kicks in

by time news

In Viterbo, everyone knows, the DSR is in force. The locals know the meaning of the acronym well: after Santa Rosa. For all the big decisions, and often even for the small ones, the times around the holiday are frozen: everything is postponed to a later time. But this year there is an exception. And it is not a small one, considering that it is worth almost 4 million euros for the coffers of Palazzo dei Priori. The seventh extension for the waste contract of the Municipality of Viterbo came into force yesterday, the fifth of the Frontini era. Unlike the other “bridges”, however, this one will not last six months: the resolution, signed by the manager of the competent sector, Simone Moncelsi on September 2, provides that Viterbo Ambiente will continue to take care of the collection and transportation of waste from September 5 until the end of the year.

For the latest councils, the waste contract has proven to be a difficult one to manage. The service had been awarded through a bridging tender to the company that currently handles it, born from an rti (temporary network of companies) between Gesenu spa and Cosp TecnoService from September 1, 2020 for twelve months, therefore until August 31, 2021. Too bad that the bridging tender was born with Giovanni Arena as mayor to guarantee the service while waiting for the actual contract. Which is instead proving worse than kryptonite for Palazzo dei Priori.

The reasons why the offices have not yet managed to close the procedures for the definitive assignment? They are a potpourri: from the period of vacancy of the managerial position of the Environment sector to the “significant changes in the discipline provided for in the new regulations” which, not being contemplated in the documents, “have led to the necessary adjustment of the technical documents” (for example, the new procurement code of 2023). Then there are “evaluations made necessary, following the observations raised by Anac”.

After much toil, we arrive at the open procedure for the assignment of the service of collection, transport and disposal of urban waste to authorized plants and urban hygiene services, published on March 20, 2024. On June 13, the judging commission was appointed, but it has not yet completed the screening of the documentation presented by the 11 aspiring managers of the contract worth over 76 million euros for a four-year period.

It is a pity that the sixth long weekend expired on September 4 and that “this body is in a situation of objective impossibility to proceed with the awarding of the new contract for the multi-year tender within the deadline of the service in execution”, writes the Municipality. The need for yet another extension to Viterbo Ambiente comes naturally. “Having noted that it is a priority to continue to guarantee the continuity of the urban hygiene service, which cannot be interrupted in any way, as it is an essential service, in which aspects of a hygienic-sanitary, environmental, health and public order nature are directly involved, with a view to protecting the community of reference”, Palazzo dei Priori had to “grant a technical extension to the rti for the period strictly necessary to allow the completion of the public evidence procedure, in accordance with the timing provided for by the applicable legislation, which is estimated in the period from September 5, 2024 to December 31, 2024, or until the delivery of the services to the new contractor”. In short, it is not certain that this will be the last renewal.


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