The shadow attacks: “Does anyone doubt that leftism is a mental disorder?”

by time news

The Jewish actress Natalie Portman joined the wave of condemnations against the anti-Semitic rapper Kanye West. In a post published by the actress, she wrote to her eight million followers: “Seeing the resurgence of anti-Semitism makes my heart sink.”

“This hatred must be fought with boundless love for each other,” she added. “Today I send great love to my Jewish brothers, and to everyone who stands with us against these violent words and actions,” Portman wrote. “It is painful and terrifying to hear this. I am grateful to those who continue to speak out against anti-Semitism, and against all forms of racism.”

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The person who was least impressed by the post is Yoav Eliasi, the one who is the “Shadow”. And so he wrote on his Instagram account: “Speaking for Israel is illegitimate, but fighting anti-Semitism is proper.” “Natalie Portman to the foreign media: Israel is an occupier, Israel is apartheid, Sheikh Jarrah will be released, the IDF is killing people in Gaza,” he wrote under the photo he attached to the post in which he presented her contradictory statements. “Natalie Portman too,” he continued. “‘I send a hug. to the Jewish people. We need to fight anti-Semitism’. Does anyone still doubt that leftism is a mental disorder?”, he asked rhetorically.

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