The shadow reveals: “Suddenly I realized how much I missed”

by time news

The Shadow – Yoav Eliassy (Flash Photo 90 / Tomer Neuberg)

The shadow, Yoav Eliassy, ​​has in recent years been recognized as a right-wing activist with hundreds of thousands of followers across all networks. But there is an entire generation here that grew up on his and Subliminal’s songs, and has not forgotten what they did to the rap industry in Israel. “People have had a disproportionate nostalgia attack.” Said the shadow in an interview with Gil Mishaeli in Mako, “I see the reactions on the street, and also this passion came back to me, which was off me for a long time. I find myself in studios, writing songs and creating. I went on stage again earlier this month and realized how much I missed it.”

As you may recall, the duo of producers Dolly and Penn planned to reunite the duo with Sarit Hadad for the song “BBQs”, but in the end Subliminal refused to reunite, and Sarit Hadad was unable to reach agreements with replacements Static and Ben El, and finally the song we heard on Independence Day came out. Al and Bohbot Lake.

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The union with Sub would have brought back the fragrance of the days of light and shadow from 2002 (especially during the wave of terrorist attacks), but the joint performance with Static and Ben El Fatah to shade the door back to the mainstream, almost. “They stopped playing me on the radio, totally. My door inside was locked and Static had to break it open with a loom. But it opened. Now I have to check if I can get in through the hole or not.” Said the shadow to Mako. “The courage of Static and Ben El and of Agam, it’s not that obvious.”

The problem facing the shadow of releasing new songs is not only the audience’s love for the old songs, but its lack of acceptance into the mainstream of the music and play industry. The singles he released since Operation Resilient Cliff, then became a full-fledged right-wing activist, did not get airplay on public radio stations. “What did Galgalatz do? They would get my new single and ignore it, but started putting my songs from time to time with Subliminal, so I could not say in court I was not heard, because I threatened to sue. And even when they played my songs they would ‘forget’ to say the name My: “It’s subliminal in his poem … ‘. As if I do not exist.” So, the shadow realized that it would be very difficult for him to return.

But in the end it happened, and the shadow indicates that when he took the stage again, “I felt like a fucking rockstar, man.”

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