The Shiur teacher collapsed near the door of the house, and died

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Another tragedy befell the Ramat Aharon neighborhood in Bnei Brak this evening (Wednesday): Rabbi Yitzchak Katzenelbogen, R.M. of the Heichal Tuvia Yeshiva for young people, passed away unexpectedly and is only 63 years old.

The deceased, who lived in his house on Sorotskin Street in Ramat Aharon, suddenly collapsed in the yard of his house without any prior sign. Medical officials who were called to the scene rushed him to perform resuscitation operations and even evacuated him to the Maayan Hayeshua hospital, but unfortunately they were forced to determine his death.

This is another tragedy that befalls the same street today, after Rabbi Shalom Seller, who also lived on Sorotskin Street, passed away prematurely today.

The late Rabbi Yitzchak Katzenelbogen was born in Nissan 5718, studied at the Ateret Yisrael Yeshiva, where he adhered to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Ezrachi, and also studied at the Hebron Yeshiva. Ateret Mordechai) to appoint him rabbi at his yeshiva, and so Rabbi Katzenelbogen served as rabbi at the yeshiva for nearly 30 years, earning him many students.

The funeral procession left his house on Sorotskin Street in Bnei Brak at 11:00 PM, towards the Ponivez Cemetery in the city.

Of blessed memory.

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