The show must go on !*

by time news

2023-05-12 19:15:00

EDITORIAL – I have already mentioned it in my editorial of April 24, 2023, Macron and National Education: abracadabra But, is Emmanuel Macron the Gérard Majax of politics?

Or would it be the David Copperfield, since Emmanuel Macron claims his dubbing in the United States. And also because with a reference made to this star magician, the youngest among us will better understand the allegory. “Siegfried and Roy”, since it was in Las Vegas, the world center of champagne and sequins show business, that this duo of German-American magicians-illusionists officiated for decades, bringing this age-old art to the firmament of “Show American style”.

But with this difference that in terms of window dressing, Emmanuel Macron would be stronger than Majax and Siegfried and Roy combined. Indeed, Perlimpinpin 1er does not need any material, any artifice (except Marlène Schiappa in Playboy), any technological assistance, computer or other, to officiate as a magician.

For what ? Because his sleight of hand is uniquely intellectual, the “at the same time” of words and evils.

With Emmanuel Macron, the virtual becomes real via the litanies through which its magic operates. However, only with those who lend themselves to his talent as an illusionist. In France, land of lights, intelligence becomes artificial. “Artificial” in the sense that it no longer has any utility, necessity, given that with Emmanuel Macron, reality becomes futility.

With “Magic Macron” in perfect English, French becomes English and France a start-up nation. This despite a Constitution which in its article 2 determines that “The language of the Republic is French.” Hence the flop that will still be the sixth edition of the “Choose France” summit, a trompe-l’oeil intervened on his initiative to hide as much as possible a reality: Emmanuel Macron ended up making the traditional industry disappear French. In 2022, Bercy did authorize the takeover of 130 sensitive companies by foreigners.

It is such an indisputable, dramatic observation that on this Thursday, May 11, Emmanuel Macron felt obliged to split from yet another prestidigitation: the reindustrialization of France.

What nerve !

Yes. Throughout his first mandate (and already when he was François Hollande’s Minister of Economy) he worked tirelessly and zealously to sell, destroy or even reduce French industry to nothing. Apart of course from companies whose main shareholders are the ultra-rich who got him elected. Emmanuel Macron presents himself today as a miraculous savior of French industry. A Jesus, even, since to hear it he will bring her back to life, bring her back to life.

And in the lot, of course, there are nuclear power plants.

If there is one sector of French industry that has been carved up by Emmanuel Macron, it is this one. Arnaud Montebourg (former Minister of the Economy sacked by François Hollande and replaced by Emmanuel Macron) who strongly opposed it, delivered the sordid details earlier this year of this forfeiture.

After first casting opprobrium on “old nuclear” during his first term, this announced plan to launch the era of “new nuclear”, Emmanuel Macron established it as usual without appealing to the eminences , to recognized experts in this field, including in particular Gérard Mourou, Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 who worked on the degradation (transmutation) of nuclear waste from 1 million years to 30 minutes. Ambitious project but which would reassure a large number of people worried about the longevity of such waste.

However it is logical because the one who is in charge, Emmanuel Macron, is a fool who moreover has no experience in the field whatever the subject, except finance. Another industry where many illusionists operate of the disappearance of value for their own benefit.

Logical because this is an announcement effect to restore its image. This will also allow close insiders, who will benefit from the subsidies that will be allocated, to fill their pockets. It remains to be seen whether the French nuclear industry will really be revived.

And also logical because colleges and universities are failing. From now on, instead of teaching critical thinking, it is the massive assimilation of data that takes precedence. However, the critical spirit is essential to technical improvement, and it alone allows us to protect ourselves against difficulties, to deal with all eventualities.

Some have been trying for millennia to transform lead into gold, but Perlimpinpin 1er has pulled off the magic trick of transforming fresh water into oil. And still magic the emptying of freshwater dams that absolutely must be done for maintenance reasons when restrictions are announced to individuals.

Enslaved to consumer capitalism that we are, before reindustrializing France, shouldn’t we rather go back to basics?

What industry does the country need? And in order to be able to answer this question with relevance, shouldn’t we first have asked it to the people: what is the society that the French want for tomorrow?

Emmanuel Macron having declared “Reindustrialization is the mother of battles” weekly Challenge, this unfortunately confirms what I said above: it’s flan. Pixie powder.

For what ? Because the announcement of this alleged reindustrialisation, which Emmanuel Macron claimed to be “the mother of battles”, comes after a pension reform imposed at the cost of social chaos that is still ongoing. However, the pension reform was not only misleadingly sold as being essential to guarantee the financial balance of the pension system in 2030, but he also justified it by reiterating many times that this reform was“the mother of all reforms.”

I therefore fear very much that the reindustrialisation that Emmanuel Majax mentions will unfortunately give birth to a rabbit in a hat. A planned coffining of the last bastions of what was once French industry, an industry of such extraordinary quality that the whole world has worked to copy it.


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