The signs today, Wednesday, January 31 – Parapolitical Argolis

by time news

ARIES: You will be able to settle bureaucratic matters. Friends are always there to give you advice and support you. Avoid borrowing or lending money.

TAURUS: Financial difficulties throw your psyche and if you hold responsible jobs, your day might have a little more adventure.

GEMINI: All those factors that have made you feel bad and stressed for so long are going away. It still needs attention, of course, as there will be a large backstory.

CANCER: Watch out for friends and acquaintances who may conspire against you or want to take advantage of you. Clarify what a “real friend” means to you.

LEO: You will need to use all your composure to deal with tensions in the workplace, but also to make important decisions on key financial issues.

VIRGO: Be prepared for serious delays in legal matters, courts and court decisions, and some of your plans will have to be abandoned in order for others to proceed.

LIBRA: You can expect unique happiness and satisfaction on all levels. Creative, confident, charming and ready for anything, you sail in a sea of ​​happiness.

SCORPIO: Tensions in marriage and relationships, as big changes are taking place within you, mainly in your demands so far. It is obvious that your daily life is no longer satisfying and you are looking for a change.

SAGITTARIUS: Fatigue and overwork due to acquired speed to handle your business affairs. But you are in favor of sentimentality. Find time for yourself.

CAPRICORN: You will not avoid financial losses, especially you of the first and second decade. Losses mainly due to expenses you incur for family or your own people.

AQUARIUS: Friendships and social relations, despite the prohibitions, are in an extremely constructive period, while your professional matters are finally settled.

PISCES: Complaining and arguments in the professional environment, at a time when your psychology is not the best. You can’t even face yourself.

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