The Silent Killer: How Vitamin D Deficiency in Germany Increases Mortality – Study Findings

by time news

2023-12-19 23:38:22
Vitamin D Deficiency in Germany: Study Shows Increased Risk of Mortality

As the cold season sets in, the sun becomes a scarce commodity across Germany. For many people, this lack of sunlight leads to a deficiency in vitamin D, a vital nutrient that the body produces when exposed to sunlight. However, a new study has highlighted the potential consequences of this deficiency, linking it to an increased risk of mortality.

The study, conducted by the Medical University of Vienna, compared the vitamin D levels of 78,000 patients with data from death registers. It found that a persistently low vitamin D level increased mortality, particularly among diabetes patients and those in the younger and middle-aged groups. The effects were most pronounced in people aged 45 to 60, with the risk of death increasing by two to three times due to a vitamin D deficiency.

The research team used a vitamin D level of 50 nmol/L as the healthy value, with low values ​​set at 10 nmol/L and high values ​​​at 90 nmol/L. The study showed that a deficiency of 10 nmol/L or less increased the risk of death by two to three times, while high values ​​of 90 nmol/L or more reduced mortality by 30 to 40 percent.

The study also found that diabetes patients benefited from higher vitamin D levels in their blood, while a deficiency increased the risk of death by 4.4 times. Interestingly, the researchers found no statistically significant connection between mortality and vitamin D levels for patients over 75 years of age. There was also no identified negative effect caused by too high a concentration of vitamin D in the blood.

The German Society for Nutrition recommends exposing the face, hands, and parts of the arms and legs to the sun for 5 to 25 minutes every day between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m., depending on skin type and time of year. Glass panes block UV radiation, so going outside is necessary to get the important sun exposure.

According to the researchers at the University of Vienna, the results support the rationale for widespread vitamin D supplementation to prevent premature mortality and highlight the need for early administration. Further studies also support the importance of a balanced vitamin D balance, linking the nutrient to the progression of diabetic kidney disease, reducing the risk of cancer and improving chances of survival for cancer patients, and potentially lowering the risk of dementia.

With the implications of vitamin D deficiency on mortality highlighted by this study, it becomes increasingly important for individuals, especially those in high-risk groups, to ensure they are getting an adequate amount of this essential nutrient.]
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