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by time news

In the spirit of democracy: Witso and the Municipality of Rehovot inaugurate a new middle school – the first democratic school in the city

The school, which specially trained the teachers accordingly, will first take in two 7th graders next year – each student will be assisted by a personal tutor who will accompany him in the process of transitioning from elementary school to middle school. There will be discussions at the school where various issues can be brought up, committees and parliaments in the presence The students, the teachers and the parents, in the end – a democratic vote – so that each student has an influence, in practice, on what is done in the school

In the coming school year – Tashpad (September 2023), a middle school will be opened for the first time in Rehovot, under the umbrella of Wizo Rehovot, growing in the spirit of democratic values. The democratic track is new and unique, a direct continuation of the Ramat Alon Democratic Elementary School, which was established based on the concept that the school The democratic world is the world of the children who want to learn, acquire knowledge and skills and this alongside the responsibility that the students take in the conduct of the school.

The Democratic School in Rehovot, which specially trained the teachers accordingly, will first accept two 7th grades next year, when each student will be assisted by a personal tutor who will accompany him in the transition process from elementary school to middle school. The registration procedure for the division, which will be separated from the high school and managed independently in the building designated, will begin on Thursday March 9, 2023 with the opening of the registration procedure for divisions in the Rehovot municipality.

The democratic system is seen as an integral part of the school pedagogy, when the school is run by two authorities: a judge and a reviewer. The values ​​in the democratic school consist of dialogue, choice and equality, taking personal and collective responsibility, mutual guarantee and self-discipline, and they accompany the division team in the democratic spirit.

The school will hold debates in which various issues can be brought up, committees and parliaments in the presence of the students, teachers and parents, at the end of which – a democratic vote. Once a week, the school will hold a parliament, to which students, parents and teachers are invited, during which decisions are made regarding various issues raised by the participants. Every student participates in the committee and has an influence, in practice, on what is done in the school.

The worldview in democratic education: preserving human dignity as a central goal. The school provides an environment that facilitates the process of discovery and search. The purpose of the school is to help the student create and acquire tools that will help him achieve his goals, through an updated, relevant and broad-minded lesson system, interesting and inspiring studies, learning outside the classroom space, flexible teaching methods built on encouraging thinking and teamwork, teaching that stimulates intellectual curiosity and motivation for learning.

The mayor, Rahim Malol:

“The education system in Rehovot is the best in Israel also because of the diversity, and the ability to give everyone the ability to choose the education stream that suits them. We are especially happy to open another school in the city”

Efrat Zuckerman, Head of the Education Administration at the Rehovot Municipality:

“We are happy to give parents another choice this year in preparation for the opening of registration for middle schools. The democratic track at Ramat Alon School has become popular and created a community around it – but it was requested to continue the success in middle school”

Gadi Yaacov, director of the education department in Wizo

Gadi Yaacov, the director of the education department in Witsu, who promoted the opening of the middle school in the spirit of democracy together with the mayor and the holder of the education portfolio Zohar Blum and the director of education in the city – congratulates: “This is a groundbreaking move in its importance for the children of the city of Rehovot, which opens a quality educational framework for them to choose”.

Eilat Vared Yosef, director of Wizo Rehovot:

“We are proud to announce a unique new track that does not exist in the city of Rehovot. The temple track is a different education, much more flexible, topical and one that satisfies the concept of democracy. The education system in its current framework is not suitable for all students and therefore we seek to provide a contemporary, topical and relevant solution for youth and parents who are looking for Such an education. The main goal of the track, in the spirit of the values ​​of democracy, is to allow students to fulfill their abilities and to believe in themselves that they are capable of learning and succeeding in whatever they choose, while preserving human dignity and creating an environment that allows students to discover and search. The purpose of the school is to help the student create and acquire tools To help him achieve his goals through an updated, relevant and broad-minded system of lessons. To my delight, from the moment the parents in Rehovot heard about the opening of the growing division, the demand is very high and in light of this, two 7th grades will be opened next year and the students will study in a building dedicated to the division.”

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