The Single Smart City & Cyber ​​Security Monitoring Platform from the Municipality of Rhodes – 2024-03-15 17:10:24

by times news cr

2024-03-15 17:10:24

A press conference on the occasion of the start of the implementation of the 7th Sub-Project for which the Municipality of Rhodes was subsidized by the Recovery Fund entitled “Single Smart City & Cyber ​​Security Monitoring Platform” was granted yesterday by Mr. Georgios Varelis – Deputy Mayor D.E. Archangelos and Digital Transition and dr. Nikolaos K. Manikaros – Informatics scientist, MSc, PhD / director of Informatics and New Technologies.
Among other things, Mr. Manikaros emphasized the following:
In the Digital Transformation Bible (DTP) of the Ministry of Digital Governance, special mention is made of the smart city as a cradle of digital transformation at the local level.
It specifically states: “Smart cities are a framework project for the development of digital applications and the installation of smart equipment in the country’s municipalities, in order to upgrade public life, improve the everyday life of citizens, protect the environment, deal with climate change and reducing the energy footprint. The action aims to develop and operate systems that will improve parking and vehicle traffic in cities, citizen safety, better waste management, measurement of environmental parameters in public space and better management of water resources.
The Smart City & Cyber ​​Security Unified Platform sub-project, the 7th in a row of the technical bulletin of the 7 recovery fund sub-projects we submitted, was signed on 03/08/2024.
The budget of the sub-project was €352,000 and the contractor is the company UNI SYSTEMS IT Systems, which submitted an offer of €350,224.20.
In summary, the Smart City & Cyber ​​Security Unified Monitoring Platform will support the following subsystems and services:
• Control Center / Staff Management (Control Room)
The Control/Staff Management Center is the fundamental element of the Digital Strategy of the Municipality of Rhodes as it will help in the utilization and management of fragmented projects and services.
The application of the Smart City & Cyber ​​Security Unified Monitoring Platform system will be implemented and will operate in the Municipal Unit of Rhodes, specifically in the building that houses the Town Hall of Rhodes.
• Event/Incident Monitoring and Management Subsystem
The Events/Incidents Monitoring and Management Subsystem should present in real time the recorded events/incidents (events) collected either by the field equipment or by the specialized “smart city” applications that will be implemented by the proposed actions.
• Subsystem of Geographical Data & Knowledge Base (Knowledge Base) Smart City Ontology
The Service Map & Knowledge Base Subsystem should provide staff users with the ability to map their points of interest (e.g. sensors, applications) and other information on an interactive map, upgrade the existing geographic data system, as well as to manage the points of interest, activities and their measurement indicators in a unified way in all the applications per thematic unit (mobility, Transport, Energy, etc.) related to the city through the relevant ontology.
• Subsystem for Viewing and Analyzing metrics of the thematic areas
Through the specific subsystem, the possibility of geographical display on an interactive map of the aggregated measurement indicators per thematic area (Mobility, Environment) that need monitoring should be provided.
• Reporting Subsystem
The Reporting Subsystem will provide the ability for staff users to extract comparative statistics, reports and conclusions in order to support the promotion and development of new complementary applications and their display in an appropriate Dashboard.
Download Subsystem
• Third-Party System Interoperability Subsystem (Internal / External)
The information stored in the databases of the vertical solutions and actions are currently unable to interoperate in a common way with third-party systems and to be reused. Accordingly, while the relevant possibility exists, the programming interfaces offered by the central administration are not exploited
• Device, User and Service Authentication & Security Management Subsystem
The Device, User and Services Identity & Security Management subsystem should provide security at all levels of the proposed solution through defined standards and techniques.
• Equipment & System Operation Monitoring Subsystem
• IoT Cyber ​​Security Subsystem
The specific subsystem will be an integrated integrated solution of the Unified Monitoring Platform with features and functions that will ensure centralized monitoring and management, avoiding other legacy techniques to install different separate tools (Security Information & Events Management) that are installed and managed separately or a separate manual process is required to integrate them.
1st Fire Protection Project with smart CCD cameras and 5 sense sensors”
2nd Smart Pedestrian Crossing System”
3rd Smart Building Energy Management System”
4th Vehicle Traffic Management System”
5th Telecare System with watch and bracelet”
6th “Sensor Network in School Buildings for Air, Pollutant and Building Vibration Control”
7th Smart City & Cyber ​​Security Unified Monitoring Platform”

Asked about his status, as deputy mayor of D.E. Archangelos and what are the priorities for this year in view of this season, Mr. Varelis stated:
“What concerns us and we want to give special weight now, is the daily life and problems of our fellow citizens – such as waste collection, the road network and water.
At the moment, while the contractor was installed and started interventions (the project is approved and financed by the previous municipal authority) but it has stopped. Fortunately, no major problems have occurred so far, but we are monitoring it. As for the failures within the network, we will deal with them in the same way as before. My fellow citizens realize that the situation has improved while the central pipeline has not presented any problem so far.

Mr. Varelis was asked to comment on the fact that cameras that relay sound (!) were found in parts of the city of Rhodes, the Medieval City and the island, if they belong to the Municipality of Rhodes or if permission was ever given by any municipal authority, for ‘ this.
He himself categorically denied it (as did Mr. Manikaros) that they belong to the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Rhodes, and even made it clear that the private company was never given permission to install them and even with sound:
“Some cameras have been installed by the Municipality of Rhodes, with a relevant decision (but they do not transmit sound. These cameras are in specific places and are panoramic.
Also, permission was never given by the Municipality of Rhodes, to any private company to install cameras and even with sound.”

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