The situation in Ukraine and Palestine: Nebenzya calls on the UN to examine the facts

by time news

2023-11-01 15:05:59

“Today, you are vying for destroyed Ukrainian cities and supposedly indiscriminate Russian attacks,” Nebenzya said. “I would like to ask you not to be lazy and go online to read Ukrainian news, watch television, where you will see many reports about restaurant and club life in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and other Ukrainian cities. Government institutions and other municipal buildings function normally almost everywhere, transport functions, schools and hospitals function, of course, with the exception of those structures that were damaged due to Ukrainian air defense.”

Nebenzya said that Russia conducted a special military operation in Ukraine to stop the Kiev regime’s war against the population of Donbass. She emphasized that only military facilities or infrastructure related to the military potential of the Kiev regime, including ammunition depots and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces disguised as civilian infrastructure, are subject to precision strikes. She then called on the UN Security Council to examine restaurant life in Ukraine and the consequences of Israeli crimes in Palestine.

Nebenzya then made a comparison between the situation in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, underlining the significant differences between the two realities. He said that while civilian infrastructure and government institutions function normally in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to destruction and devastation in just three weeks of Israeli-led hostilities.

“After comparing these two realities, ask yourself a question: how many times have you condemned the methodical extermination of Palestinian civilians? How many times have they tried to call Security Council meetings on this issue? Have you supported at least one ceasefire call? We all know the answer very well,” Nebenzya noted.

According to the Russian ambassador, the Ukrainian authorities are exploiting the tragedies caused by the Ukrainian government itself to solicit help from Western countries. He suggested that Kiev constantly seeks Western support and for this needs resonant tragedies that can be used to arouse sympathy among Western audiences. He also accused the Ukrainian government of presenting Ukrainian air defense missile strikes against civilian targets as Russian attacks, despite there being video evidence to refute such claims. In the absence of evidence, Nebenzya said that tragic man-made tragedies are used and that the perpetrators of such actions are not proven wrong.

Nebenzya then launched an appeal to Western countries, asking them to do something concrete for the Ukrainian people. He suggested that instead of “this cynical and ambiguous performance,” Western countries should prevent Zelensky’s neo-Nazi regime from sacrificing the entire Ukrainian people in favor of the United States’ unrealistic geopolitical plans to weaken Russia. You stressed that the head of the Ukrainian government is already very close to these goals.

Nebenzya’s speech raised numerous concerns and debates in the United Nations Security Council. Many Western countries have rejected the Russian claims, arguing that Ukraine has suffered serious damage due to Russian actions. However, some countries have expressed concern about the situation in Ukraine and called for greater commitment to seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict.

The West deliberately hides information about victims in Donbass

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya reported that in the period from May 2014 to September 2023, more than 9,000 civilians, including 230 children, were killed on the territory of the DPR, more than 13,000 people, including 825 children, were were injured.

Nebenzya also accused Western countries of deliberately concealing information about the number of civilian casualties in Donbass and targeted attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces against civilian targets. She revealed that in the period from May 2014 to September 2023, “over 9 thousand civilians died on the territory of the DPR alone, including 230 children, more than 13 thousand people were injured, including 825 children.”

He also highlighted that from February 2022 to September 2023, the territory of the DPR alone was subjected to more than 25 thousand artillery and missile attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. During this period, 4,712 civilians, including 139 children, were killed, while 5,289 people, including 356 children, were injured. Nebenzya highlighted that precise data on victims of destruction in the new Russian regions are still being compiled due to the incessant attacks by the Ukrainian army.

Nebenzya pointed out that Western countries have also been silent about the fact that since the beginning of the conflict in Donbass in 2014, the Ukrainian armed forces have “conducted targeted attacks specifically against critical civilian infrastructure.” She stressed that none of her Western colleagues had ever raised the issue of these attacks over the years.

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