The six warning signs of one of the most common cancers: do not ignore them

by time news

Often, there are certain diseases that manifest themselves clearly if we attend to the symptoms in our day to day

A doctor analyzes some samples EFE


Updated at 3:23 p.m.

The symptoms that may indicate that we are suffering from a potentially serious disease are often easy to detect if we have sufficient knowledge.

It is important to be attentive to the signs that can put us on alert and pay attention to all those anomalies that our body presents in the form of a warning.

It happens especially in some types of cancers that, although not all of them show their faces and are easily detectable, sometimes they appear as a warning that something is not right.

This is what happens with one of the most common cancers, bladder cancer, of which more than 20,000 were detected in Spain in 2021 alone.

main symptoms

This type of disease presents a series of symptoms, six main ones, which can be confused with those of a urine infectionso it is essential that we check with our doctor in case of detecting any of them.

  • Urinating very often

  • Presence of blood in the urine

  • Discomfort (burning or pain) when urinating

  • weight loss without diets

  • Pain in the lower back or abdomen

  • continuous tiredness

These are just some of the main signs that can lead us to think that we are suffering from something serious, although not every time we would be talking about cancer.

Ideally, in case of presenting one or several of these symptoms, it is go to the doctor to try to figure out what is going wrong.

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