The Sleep of the Lion

by time news

TRIBUNE — A light has gone out. The green ray which bathed the crucified Christ of the cathedral of Strasbourg was definitively cut by an uneducated barbarian in the pay of the gravediggers of civilization. The Strasbourg Cathedral website makes this clear with uncomfortable disdain:

“Disclaimer: The following ended on Wednesday, March 16, 2022. The ‘rough glass’, hinting at a ‘green color ray’ up to that date, has been permanently obstructed.” (cf. Notre Dame Cathedral – Did you know)

The now disfigured stained glass window of Judah was crafted in 1876 by an awakened master; then Maurice Rosart, another awakened master, revealed in 1972 its occult function: at the midday of each spring equinox, the left foot of Judah began to illuminate Christ on the cross sculpted on the pulpit, a kind of platform serving the preacher to address the assembly.

See also: Emoi in Strasbourg: the “green ray” of the cathedral has disappeared (AFP)

According to the Bible, Judah was the son of Jacob and Leah. He was the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel, more precisely that which generated the line of king David. He is the physical root of the Tree of Jesse, the human branch of Jesus’ genealogy. Thus Christ is his direct descendant, from flesh to flesh.

Still according to the Bible, the twelve founders of the tribes of Israel, all brothers of Judah, experienced a tormented youth. Joseph, the favorite son, was hated by the eleven others who, drunk with jealousy, all decided to put him to death. All except Judah. Judah was the only one who refused to sacrifice his brother: he watched over him day and night to protect him and he saved him by persuading his family to sell him to a caravan going to Egypt, where Joseph finally became the viceroy of Pharaoh, the second most powerful man in the ancient world. It was Judah again who asked to be punished in place of his younger brother Benjamin, unjustly accused of theft.

Judah prefigures the benevolence of the merciful god of the New Testament, in opposition to the jealous and vengeful god of the Old. Before him, God was obliged to restrain Abraham’s hand to prevent him from sacrificing his only son. The gesture of the patriarchs was only a succession of massacres and betrayals. Judah is the first of the sacred line to have manifested the consciousness of his neighbour; he broke the cycle of tribal violence and founded the mystical tree of Christ’s genealogy, the tradition of brotherhood, from pulpit to pulpit.

Judah was nicknamed the Young Lion. It was he who gave his name to Judaism.

The Lion of Judah, which links both the tribes of Israel and the Messiah of Christianity, lights up the same green on the flag of Ethiopia, the immemorial land of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The Lion’s claws plunge so deeply into human history that they sweep away like a wisp all this imbecility uttered on the alleged Greek roots of this white and Christian Europe fantasized by the handicapped of History. This Lion is found from East to West on the tetramorph, a celestial figure that predates the Bible by several millennia. This same Lion was celebrated by the Celts at Beltaine, whose fires announced the return of luxuriance. This Lion is always present, immobile, wisely guarding the secrets of the Giza plateau. Some claim that he has been patient for more than 10,000 years, this Lion who would have melted the ice floe of the last glaciation to cause the spring of civilizations. Symbol or truth, it doesn’t matter in the end, because this Leo has been everyone’s Leo since the dawn of civilizations. He is respected, venerated even, as the protector of all the traditions of the great religions and the oldest cults.

In a corner of our little Hexagon, the Lion was hidden, there, in a small piece of rough glass. The foot of Judah which, on the first day of spring, illuminated Jesus like a young shoot to be born was the allegory of the birth, not of Christ, but of the Church, of the community gathered around the pulpit to listen to a a word that does not call for war, slavery, greed or plunder. An ever-increasing crowd of curious people gathered to witness the appearance of the green ray.

Well it’s over, just as the benevolence of the Pope has disappeared, having become a sales representative for Pfizer, delivering the children of his flock to this vaccinated Herod like vulgar guinea pigs destined to be bitten en masse by a barely tested product, just as world peace and even the sense of good and evil falters when the West of the Enlightenment extols sadistic mercenaries sporting swastikas, wolf runes and skulls tattooed on their bodies.

Decidedly, the sleep of the Lion is very long. But he will wake up, because he always wakes up. And there, he will make a hell of a racket!

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