The Social Security mistakenly collects 150 euros from more than 8,000 self-employed people with a flat rate

by time news

The Social Security has collected by mistake the minimum quota to new self-employed workers who have registered between January 1 and 9. In other words, he has received one share of 230 euros, instead of the 80 euros of the flat rate that would correspond to them, as Social Security sources consulted by Europa Press have admitted. The portfolio headed by José Luis Escrivá estimates that this incidence has affected some 8,000 peoplewho will be sent an email in the coming days to inform them of the situation and the corrective actions.

The Social Security will soon carry out one return of office fees those affected by the difference between the 80 euros corresponding to the flat rate and the invoiced fee. The Ministry assures Europa Press that the intention is to resolve it in March and, if possible, earlier. In addition, Social Security will correctly calculate the fees for the month of February and these affected freelancers will be charged the exclusive flat rate of 80 euros.

Sense errors in the minimum base

The Social Security has also clarified that there is no disparity or error in the January quotas charged to the self-employed on a minimum basis, with the application of the new Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), which entered into force on January 1.

The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations has explained that in this first month of application of the new RETA, two situations have occurred for those self-employed who paid for the minimum base at the end of last year.

In this way, self-employed workers who had not requested the automatic revaluation of their contribution base have been applied a increase of 0.6 points percentages due to the application of the Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI), so that its contribution base has increased to 299.71 euros.

The other case contemplated by the Social Security is that of the self-employed who have applied for the automatic revaluation of its contribution base. To these, this 0.6% of the MEI plus the expected increase in the minimum contribution base of 8.6% has been applied, so that their quota has been placed at 325.48 euros.

The new self-employed contribution system based on real income, which will have a transition period of nine years, until 2032, will begin to apply from this January 1, with 15 installments of contributions that will go from 230 euros up to 500 euros and will vary until 2025, depending on the net returns of self-employed workers.

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