The solution to premature ejaculation is closer than many think

by time news

It is calculated that the premature ejaculation affects between the 30% and 83% of men. The wide range of prevalence is due to the lack of a widely accepted definition, which makes study design difficult, and furthermore, the disease has few drug treatments. For example, dapoxetine is approved for use outside the United States, while other commonly used off-label options include local anesthetics, clomipramine, and tramadol. However, many of these interventions have side effects.

Now a new peer-reviewed study conducted by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, UK suggests that the exercise seems to be a shape potentially effective in treating premature ejaculation. The study examined non-drug interventions and their increase in latency time, which is the time it takes to ejaculate.

In it new studypublished in the magazine ‘Trends in Urology and Men’s Health‘, the researchers reviewed 54 studies, involving 3,485 people from around the world, published in the past 49 years.

The researchers found that the physical activity as an intervention had promising results in many of the studies, proving to be as effective as drugs but without side effects associates. One study included in the review found that running for 30 minutes five times a week had as much effect on latency time as taking dapoxetine. Another study included in the investigation suggested that performing pelvic floor exercises latency time increased from an average of one minute to three minutes.

The research also looked at approaches using various forms of psychotherapy, with the studies showing generally positive results in increasing latency time.

“We know that premature ejaculation is a public health problem, it is a common ailment among men all over the world. The lack of a clear definition of what is or is not premature ejaculation has implications in terms of treatment, and there is relatively few effective drugs available,” explained lead author Lee Smith, RA Professor of Public Health.

“A clear definition of what is and is not premature ejaculation is lacking, and there are relatively few effective treatments and drugs available”

“Our article is a comprehensive review of studies of non-pharmacological interventions for this very common condition, and there are clear indications that the physical exercise, such as running and working the pelvic floor musclesshows promise in several studies,” he said.

“Clear indications that physical exercise, such as running and working the pelvic floor muscles, shows promise”

So things, call to do more studies about. “Since drugs often have side effects, it seems that the best medicine to prevent premature ejaculation may well lie with exercise after all, and this possibility requires larger studies and further investigation,” he concluded.

This device helps to combat premature ejaculation.

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