The son of Rabbi Benny Lau comes out in his defense: Gadi Taub yes and Lucy Aharish no?

by time news

In recent days, there has been a storm in the networks over the invitation of presenter Lucy Aharish to lead the Bible Conference of Project 929, which is taking place today (Tuesday), since she is an Israeli Arab married to a Jew, actor Tzachi Halevi. He claimed: “A ‘rabbi’ who takes a symbol of assimilation to lead a conference in an organization that claims to lead the study of the Bible in the country does not believe in the values ​​of the Bible, does not believe in what it symbolizes for the Jewish people and the whole world.”

Following this, Rabbi Yedidya Lau, the son of Rabbi Benny, defended his father and clarified: “I am now doing two things I try not to do – discuss a public issue on Facebook and protect my father. Assimilation is bad. Both intermarriage and spiritual assimilation and loss of connection to the Torah “.

“There is no connection between this and the current campaign, to which, unfortunately, my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Ram HaCohen was also drawn (I write this after I met with him for a long conversation). I, too, like any Jew, was a little shocked at first. “Really, how can you give a stage to the ‘symbol of assimilation’ at a conference that deals with the Bible (even in a moshav on Torah for all in the world). It really looks bad,” Rabbi Lau continued.

The post of Rabbi Yedidya Lau, Photo: From Facebook

“That’s why this campaign is so effective and ingenious. From the moment Lucy Aharish is a ‘symbol of assimilation’ – the opposition is clear. But Aharish does not wave any flag of assimilation and has not made herself a symbol. For many years, even before her connection with a Jew became known, “said Rabbi Lau Jr., noting that,” My father suggested that Rabbi Chaim Navon talk to her and hear it directly from her. Her invitation was made in good faith, without any of those involved remembering “This biographical detail of hers, which she does not flaunt and is not her branding. So who decided she was a symbol? A good question.”

Rabbi Lau added that the same question can be addressed to the organizers of the “Even Israel for Jewish Education in the Post-Modern World” conference, held last summer, and one of its senior participants is an assimilated Jew: “A conference that Rabbi Druckman invited to attend, Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira And Rabbi Hananel Etrog and also, how wonderful, Rabbi Chaim Navon and with them – Gadi Taub. He himself is married to a non-Jew. At a conference on Jewish education. M. told me that in his eyes it was indeed very serious, but it is clear that he did not go out now against Rabbi Druckman nor against Rabbi Amnon Dokov, who is also a teacher and rabbi from the Othniel Yeshiva and attended the same conference. “

“Should we fight assimilation? Yes,” said Rabbi Yedidya Lau, concluding: “Should Lucy Aharish be made a ‘symbol of assimilation’ to strike at 929 helping to fight assimilation? Allow me to remain in doubt.”

Conference Program - Inside Rabbi Druckman and Gadi Taub

Conference Program – Inside Rabbi Druckman and Gadi Taub Photo: Even Israel Conference on Jewish Education in the Postmodern Age

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