The South #InNetwork with Europe: the melody of development. Here is the contest

by time news

The South #inRete with Europe: tell with your eyes

National Operational Program Infrastructures and Networksmanaged by Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobilityaimed at the citizens of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily, the five regions covered by the interventions envisaged by the Program.

to the center of contest the making of a video with a strong reference to Europe, with a clear media and communication impact, set outside or inside one of the infrastructures of the PON-IR (or that recall the interventions of the PON) lasting a maximum of 2:30. All participants, individuals or small groups, are called to interpret the European anthem in their own way, taken from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

The visual scenario available to the musicians in the competition?

Stations, ports, railways and airports, or evocative images / backgrounds that have a clear reference to infrastructures, capable not only of making people feel real European citizens always close and on the move, but also to connect the Southern Italy to the rest ofEurope.

The PON Infrastructure and Networks 2014-2020 in fact, for several years, has been pursuing the priorities ofEuropean Union in the field of transport infrastructures, contributing to the improvement of the conditions of mobility of people and goods and is aimed at guaranteeing a competitive development of the territories of the less developed regions of the South, strengthening their economic, social and territorial cohesion.

The theme of the implementation and modernization of infrastructures, particularly in the noon, is always at the center of the public debate and the political agenda. Ports, airports, roads and railways are closely linked to the daily life of each person, in urban and extra-urban routes, creating even very evocative combinations.

Music contest and the European Union increasingly interconnected and present

Precisely for this reason the contest organized this year focuses on the concept of an increasingly interconnected and present European Union, creating interest and raising awareness among citizens on the role ofEuropefrom the Policy Of Cohesion and interventions financed by the PON-IR in the regions they belong to. The initiative therefore aims to stimulate the participants to think about the expected repercussions and the desired changes in their own territory thanks to the implementation of the interventions co-financed by the PON-IR.

“It is a crucial moment in the European relaunch of the construction of a community citizenship that connects nations, regions, cities and generations more and more. This contest allows you to release ideas and energy through creativity. We want to give further impetus to a long-awaited restart that is gradually taking shape, thanks to the enormous European opportunities and the Italian planning of funds and infrastructures essential for a new socially inclusive, avant-garde and sustainable development “declared theManaging Authority, Arch. Donato La Macchia.

The competition is part of the awareness raising action “The South #inRete with Europe: tell with your eyes”Which has now reached its fifth edition.

For participation in the Contest the authors must submit their performance no later than 9 May 2022 – on the occasion of the Europe Day – by e-mail, (also via platforms for sending large files such as wetransfer) to the address [email protected]

The winners will receive a voucher for the purchase of tools and materials in the scope musical.

The videos of the contest

The video must have the following characteristics:

• Duration: min. 60 sec., Max. 2.30 sec. (including opening and / or closing credits).

• Video format and dimensions: mov, mp4. Format compressed in h.264, with HD resolution 1920×1080 or 1280×720. The video must contain:

• the title of the song

• the name of soloist or of group

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