The special blood and executions; A decade after Kim Jong Un

by time news
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Try to imagine a cruel leader, dictator and dictator. We will now limit you to the option of an incumbent leader only. You have probably reached Kim Jong Un, one of the most cruel and powerful leaders in the dictatorial world. This week, exactly a decade has passed since he took office, and almost no one is trying to challenge his leadership.

Let’s start at the beginning

We will not tire you out of the truly fascinating story of the Kim family dynasty’s conception 73 years ago, but since then, the Kim family has passed the dictatorial rule from a white father. The belief that the family spreads is that the family quickly came to be called Facto on the Korean-China border, where they received a kind of “sacred parts from heaven.”

Kim Jong Un’s story does not sound like Roden’s story at all. In his teens Kim Jong Un was a disciplined student in a small private school in Switzerland to which his father sent him.

Until his twenties, Jong Un lived an almost completely normal Western life and even made many friends in Switzerland. He was so Western that even one of the sports teams of the United States – the country he now sees as one of his great enemies.

Kim Jong’s friends from the West said that economically it would seem that the penny was always in his pocket, and not as if he came from a country where people are hungry for bread.

Kim Jong Un’s name first made world headlines in the region in 2006 (2006), so he was reported on the BBC network to have been marked by his father, the North Korean leader, as his successor – despite his older brothers appearing to be heirs who could hold the throne. The government.

Three years later it became official – the child who studied in one of the most democratic countries in the world will in the future become a tough and difficult dictator.

Death of Kim Jong Il

After 17 years in power, North Korea’s great leader Kim Jong Il died at the age of 70 – and as decided, his son, Kim Jong Un, automatically entered the throne.

Many commentators did not give the 27-year-old new leader a chance and expected him to fall within a few weeks. There were commentators who argued that China might invade Korea and exploit the weakness of the new leader.

But Jong Un turned out to be “not a sucker at all,” and although outsiders have argued that North Korea is opening up, after the new leader allowed private initiatives not owned by the state – it turns out in the mirror that it was a very successful game of one who became a tough dictator today.

Military intensification

In the decade that Kim Jong Un has ruled North Korea, the country has made huge strides militarily, and is constantly working hard to develop nuclear weapons – so far the military has conducted six nuclear tests.

This intensification was so disliked by the Americans that in 2017 the North Koreans managed to develop a ballistic missile that they claimed could reach as far as the US.

Kim celebrates a successful military experiment

Kim celebrates a successful military experiment


This led to various Western sanctions on North Korea, when finally came the historic meeting of then-US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.

Section for the elimination of relatives

Kim Jong Un is considered a man who does not often put his trust in anyone. In a decade of rule he replaced more than six defense ministers, including a deputy who was also Kim’s uncle – Chang Sung Tak who was executed by him on charges of “treacherous actions against the regime”. It was further alleged that he also eliminated relatives of his uncle due to similar suspicions – but the details beyond the high fences set by the regime could not be verified.

In addition, Kim eliminated his half-brother, Kim Jong Nam. His brother was supposed to be the leader of North Korea, but his father decided to choose Kim Jong Un to replace him – and Nam went into exile in the West. Nam was killed using nerve gas at Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia.

Compared to Kim’s brother, his sister, Kim Yoo Jong, is considered very close to him and even his secret wife. She holds senior positions in the Labor Party and some mark her as a possible successor.

Is Kim alive and well?

During 2020, various rumors spread about the fate of Kim Jong Un after he did not show up for North Korea’s main event – his grandfather’s birthday, Kim Il Sung.

In recent months, too, rumors have been circulating in the West about Kim Jong Un’s health, and after a while he introduced himself to his people and the media, after shedding many pounds.

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In the opinion of many commentators, this has led to a violation of the unchallenged regime that Kim has held, against the background of the question of succession that has once again come up and floated.

The Descendants

The question of inheritance is perhaps one of the most difficult questions for the West. After all, Kim’s children are too small to inherit his power, at least for years to come.

At the same time, in the Kim dynasty continue to spread the mythology that on the Holy Mountain the members of the Kim family received a kind of ‘special blood’ that no other person does not belong to the dynasty.

Still, despite rumors of his health, it is important to remember that Kim Jong Un is not yet forty and can rule the country for many more years so the question of inheritance may be hypothetical for many years to come. Either way, life in the country does not seem to be getting any easier.

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