The specialties with the lowest scores of the ENARM 2022

by time news

2023-05-06 02:00:40

  • Based on the current figures, only 20% of the applicants get a space to pursue the residency.
  • There are currently 27 direct entry specialties available to choose from.
  • Once again Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Epidemiology head the list of specialties with the lowest ENARM scores.

In Medicine, the preparation does not always end at the end of the degree. The preparation can be extended in different ways, although one of the most common paths is to become a resident. To do so, it is first necessary to approve the National Exam for Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM), but do you know which are the specialties that usually have the lowest scores?

An important point is that there are many reasons to pursue a specialty. They range from having more knowledge in a specific field to seeking better job opportunities. Physicians who have postgraduate studies earn more attractive salaries and can even access higher-profile jobs.

Why is it worth presenting the ENARM?

Now, it can never be overlooked that motivation must always be internal. Sometimes young people make the mistake of seeking to please others instead of themselves. When that happens, greater frustration is generated because other people’s dreams are pursued.

On the other hand, a large scale test such as the ENARM requires extensive preparation. Because it is a knowledge exam about the entire degree, then the study days start from the first day of classes of the first semester.

But if the above does not happen then there are other forms and methods of preparation. Many young people take advantage of their year of social service to do a general review. During the last 12 months of the degree they usually have more free time than in the rest of the degree and that is why it is a perfect time.

To comply with the reviews there are two main paths. The first consists of doing it alone and at your own pace, while for the second there are different study courses that anyone can enroll in. The negative part of the courses is that most of them have a cost and are not really cheap.

On the other hand, one of the biggest complaints about this test is that there are few places available. In 2020 the places doubled but they are still insufficient. To date, only 20% of the applicants get a space to pursue the residency.

The specialties with the lowest scores in the ENARM

Now, beyond the few places there is also another drawback and it is the low performance. There are 27 direct entry specialties and while in some there is strong competition that translates into high scores, in others the opposite occurs.

After a long wait, the Inter-Institutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS) published the results of the 2022 edition. What is obtained is that the five specialties with the lowest ENARM scores within the Mexican category were the following.

  • Family Medicine – 37.6307
  • Emergency Medicine – 38.8502
  • Epidemiology – 42.3345
  • Quality of Clinical Care – 53.3101
  • Clinical Pathology – 54.0070

A constant in recent years is that Family Medicine repeats as the test’s poorest performing specialty. Although the difference is the average of the minimum score because last year it was 56.6202 and now it had a clear decrease.

In that same vein, Epidemiology and Emergency Medicine There are two other specialties that repeat within those that achieved the least satisfactory results. For this reason, they are considered among the options that can be entered with a low score.

Finally, Quality of Clinical Care and Clinical Pathology These are the other two specialties that make up the top 5. In all the cases mentioned, the figures are very low compared to the rest of the direct entry options available.

For now, what do you think about the specialties with the lowest ENARM scores?

Also read:

The specialties with the LOWEST scores in the latest editions of ENARM

The 5 universities with the LOWEST scores in the ENARM 2021

The 5 specialties with the LOWEST scores in the ENARM 2021

#specialties #lowest #scores #ENARM

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