The Sports Café – International Foot Radio

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Contents of the Café des Sports: Thunderbolt in Palermo! Fiasco of the “Azzurri” out of the World Cup play-offs by North Macedonia – Trajkovski, executioner of Italy! The former Calcio and Rose et Noir extinguished a stadium he knows well in added time! The reasons for the failure of the Mancini team. Kings of Europe, 8 and a half months ago, she still misses the planetary rendezvous! – Portugal: Otavio winning bet! Smuggler and scorer of a Seleção who trembled until the end against the Turks. The players of F. Santos will try to win their ticket to Qatar against the Macedonians on Tuesday (March 29, 2022).

Dams on the African continent: 10 nations in contention, 5 will see the Middle East tournament, 1st rounds already decisive? Expected duels, will the experience play?

Franco-Ivorian friendly reunion. Returns and arrivals in the 11 tricolor, which had not faced African countries since 2016. A meeting in Marseille, and an enclosure where Didier Drogba evolved. The Marseille city has not forgotten it! – A match which the boss of the FFF will attend. Antoine Grognet met Lionel le Graët, and asked him about the biannual World Cup project, among other things. A stillborn project?

Around Annie Gasnier, Alejandro Valente for his farewell!!! But also intimate enemies: Rémy Ngono and Xavier Barret. Video production: Souheil Khedir/Pierre Rolland. Sound production: Pierre Poënces. – Preparation: David Fintzel/Pierre Guérin.

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