The startup, which will make DevOps and SecOps happy, raises $ 26 million

by time news

Israeli startup Blink, which is developing a platform for operating the cloud environment, has announced a $ 26 million round of funding. The goal: automation of all DevOps and SecOps operations – almost without code

Blink Team. Source: PR

There seems to be almost no field in the world of technology that is not affected by the low-code / no-code trend. The field of operation of the cloud environment is also no different, and one of the relatively new products in the field is that of the Israeli startup company Blink. Today (Tuesday) the company announces the completion of a $ 26 million round of funding, to help DevOps or SecOps people, and get some code and script writing out of their heads.

Why manual when possible on automatic?

Nowadays DevOps or SecOps people are required to produce products manually, to perform operations in all technologies in the environment, define the necessary logic and so on. Blink’s platform enables the development and automation of processes for cloud environments, designed to assist them in the production environment, and to produce these processes quickly – without – or with almost no code. Blink’s product comes with a built-in engine and integrations for all cloud infrastructures, and includes dozens of built-in integrations, with tens and hundreds of thousands of commands and APIs implemented in the product. This avoids the need to use an API or write a dedicated script to implement a process.

In conversation with Giktiim Gil Barak, CEO and co-founder of Blink, says that the main uses are in a number of areas: day-to-day operations, or processes that are constantly repeated and require automation. Today, he says, there is no built-in infrastructure for implementing these automations, and organizations have developed solutions independently – either scripts or actual code; Another area is Incident Response / Troubleshooting. Blink’s product comes with built-in infrastructure integration, which generates alerts about the cloud environment like NewRelic, DataDog, BigPanda, and security products from companies like Wiz, Orca, Ermetic, CrowdStrike and others. Each alert can be set to an automated or interactive process, which allows for an immediate, efficient and accurate response to an event; And finally, exposure of the solutions to self-service – that is, the ability to reveal processes for the own use of the internal users in the organization, without the involvement of DevOps or SecOps, “this process change produces Scale and SLA significantly faster” says Barak.

What is the difference between your solution and existing solutions like Jenkins or Terraform for example?

Blink is an orchestration tool for cloud operations and our focus is much more on production environments, compared to Jenkins (CI) or Terraform (Infrastructure as code). We do not see Jenkins or Terraform as competitors, in fact we support integration with both. Apart from the focus, there are different technological differences and features. For example, an interactive process that allows the user to respond, influence and change the workflow according to the definition of exposure of processes as Self Service to users in the organization
Support in obtaining approval (from one or several parties) as part of the process. ”

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$ 26 million from funds and angels

Blink was founded in 2021 by Gil Barak, CEO, one of the founders of Secdo, which was acquired by Palo Alto for $ 100 million in 2018; Habib Rosh, the CTO, who served as Chief Architect of ServiceNow; And Zion Zetlawi CBO, Secdo’s initial founding team. Today, as announced, it announces a $ 26 million round led by the Lightspeed Fund, with the participation of the Entrée Capital, Hertz Ventures, INT3 funds and other well-known private investors, including Ariel Mycelos, Shai Morag, Ofer Ben-Nun, Gil Shai, Ofer Erlich, Yair Weinberger, Danny Grinder , Assaf Hefetz and Yuval Cohen. The company employs 30 people at a development center in Israel and the United States.

Yaniv Avital

Giktiim website editor. Do you have an idea for the article? A secret tip? leak? Waiting for you at [email protected]


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