The State announces a takeover bid to renationalise EDF, at 12 euros per share

by time news

The State, currently holder of 84% of the capital of EDF, announced this Tuesday morning its intention to go through a takeover bid to renationalise the company, at 12 euros per share. An operation costing 9.7 billion euros, according to the government.

To nationalize the electricity giant, over-indebted, two options presented themselves to the government: the law of nationalization (used for the last time 40 years ago), or the OPA.

This last option was therefore chosen, out of the 15.9% of the capital remaining to be acquired, and will be made on the basis of an offer of 12 euros per share, and 15.64 euros per OCEANE (convertible bond). , he says. The EDF share, which was suspended on the stock market pending this announcement, immediately jumped 15%, close to the price of the takeover bid.

The OPE filed in early September

The government plans to file the offer by early September with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), subject to the promulgation of an amending finance law for 2022 with the necessary appropriations, a text which must be debated and soon adopted by the National Assembly.

This return of the State to 100% in EDF was announced on July 6 by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, in her general policy speech.

“This operation gives EDF the necessary means to accelerate the implementation of the new nuclear program wanted by the President of the Republic, and the deployment of renewable energies in France,” declared Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of Economy, quoted in the press release from Bercy.

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