The state anti-conversion bill is brutal || The state’s anti-conversion bill is brutal

by time news

Chidambaram in the Assembly harshly criticized the Karnataka government’s anti-conversion bill as cruel.

Record: December 24, 2021 02:18


Leader of the Opposition Chidramaiah speaks on the Prohibition of Conversion Bill in the Karnataka Assembly yesterday: –

Did not come to the cabinet

The anti-conversion bill came to me when I was first-minister. I asked that it be tabled in the Cabinet. But it did not come to the cabinet. We never discuss that. But there is a big difference between that bill and the bill now being brought by the BJP government.

I signed that letter last November 2015. After that I was in power for 20 years. I do not see it. I was not interested in that. The BJP is trying to put me in a guilty cage in this matter. The Constitution gives full right to love and marry someone, regardless of their religion. Does the government have the power to prevent this?

Forced conversion

The Gujarat government brought in a similar anti-conversion law. It has been banned by the state court. The bill contains the same wording as the law in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Who prepared this bill ?. The Constitution states that it is a punishable offense to convert by force of will. With the law already in place to prevent forced conversions, is it right to bring in new legislation?

Great leaders, including Ambedkar, have converted. Basavannar was born a Brahmin and converted to the Lingayat community. None of them converted to Islam with the intention of seizing power. The BJP and the RSS claim that the Hindu population is declining due to conversion. Say. That’s wrong. It’s clear if you look at the census reports. The population of Hindus has increased. As well as the Islamic population has increased. The number of Christians has decreased slightly.

To be punished

I strongly oppose forcing someone to convert. As well as those who adhere to caste, untouchability etc. should be severely punished. It is better to stop blaming conversion and find out the reasons and find a solution.

This bill brought by the BJP government is a terrible law. Unconstitutional. I strongly condemn this. The state government should withdraw the bill.

Thus spoke Chidramaiah.

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