The State Duma will propose to add participants in dubious transactions to the “black list”

by time news

By January 2022, State Duma deputies will prepare amendments to the anti-money laundering law 115-FZ, where they will propose to supplement the list of dubious clients with droppers – citizens and companies to whose accounts funds stolen from banks are withdrawn. This was announced by Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market.

It is assumed that the register of participants in suspicious transactions will be available to banks as part of the anti-money laundering platform of the Central Bank “Know Your Customer” (KYC). He began testing such a regulator on December 14, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Dmitry Skobelkin said earlier. On December 9, the bill on the implementation of the platform was adopted in the third reading.

“We have created the platform“ Know your client ”, maybe the same platform should contain information about these droppers,” Kommersant quoted Aksakov as saying. At the same time, the persons included in the register are going to notify about this, warning that now they can transfer funds only when they visit a bank branch with the presentation of a passport.

When the law on KYC comes into force, the Central Bank, in agreement with Rosfinmonitoring, will assign three risk levels to banking clients – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs: “red” or high lose the right to carry out operations), “yellow”, or medium, and “green”. The latter concerns low-risk clients. On the horizon of the year, the Central Bank plans to enable non-credit organizations to use the platform. The issue of extending the platform to citizens will begin to be worked out no earlier than 2023.

The Central Bank did not comment on the information about the emergence of the new register. At the same time, the managing director of the RTM Group, Evgeny Tsarev, said that information security specialists already have data on droppers: the Central Bank collects them through FinCERT. Thus, the creation of an additional list will lead to confusion, the expert said.

Concerns have been voiced about bankers. For example, a representative of one of the top 20 credit institutions said that when implementing the initiative, banks will receive from the regulator a list of persons who need to turn off remote banking services (RBS) without further investigation.


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