The State of Exception will be maintained until necessary

by time news

2023-09-13 03:21:36

The parties that justify the continuity of the Exception Regime, reiterate that this situation will continue until not a single one of the terrorists who caused irreversible damage to thousands of Salvadoran families remains.. 67 deputies voted in favor, for the continuity that comes into effect on September 14

Photo: MJSP..

San Salvador. For the Eighteenth time, the Security Cabinet has requested the extension of the State of Exception to continue cleaning the country of terrorists. The Legislative Assembly responded positively and approved 30 more days of said measure.

While the opposition, which has already had its opportunity to govern and promote a concrete and effective solution against the gang phenomenon, continues to disapprove of this condition of the country, the benches of Nuevas Ideas, GANA, PDC and PCN, in addition to dissidents from Arena, voted for continuing with the government plan.

The Security Cabinet has justified the growing benefit of the measures that within the framework of the Territorial Control Plan have strengthened the recovery of spaces so that the hard-working and honest community can carry out their various activities without the fear of being attacked by terrorist organizations.

The fmln continues to maintain that the violent events that ended the lives of nearly 80 Salvadorans in less than 48 hours, in March 2022, were an expression of the inability of the government’s security plans.

In general, the opposition also maintains the discourse of the detention of “thousands of innocents,” as pointed out by the VAMOS deputy, Claudia Ortiz, who exposes a dramatic situation of those who have suffered from the errors of the plan, she says, and He claims that those who support the Regime do not talk about this.

The parties that justify the continuity of the Exception Regime, however, reiterate that this situation will continue until not a single one of the terrorists who caused irreversible damage to thousands of Salvadoran families remains.

On behalf of the Security Cabinet, Minister Gustavo Villatoro, points out as positive elements resulting from the Exception Regime, which justify its continuity, the effective fight against crime, more than 400 days with zero homicides, the interest of police officers around the world in knowing the country’s security policies, among others.

#State #Exception #maintained

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