The State of Israel has been taken over by a gang that has no restraints or borders Ben Caspit

by time news

These days are terrible. They may lead the Zionist vision to an unprecedented break and perhaps even to its end. An Israel controlled by nationalists, ultra-Orthodox and opportunists will not be Israel and will have no connection whatsoever to Zionism, the declaration of independence or what the founding fathers established here 75 years ago.
The State of Israel has been taken over by a gang that has no restraints or borders.

An achievement for the coalition: “Deri’s Law 2” and the overcoming clause were approved in preliminaries
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They know very well what the consequences of these actions will be. They already see the economic crash, the hi-tech computer out of the way, the billions flowing endlessly, the soaring dollar, the Israeli brand that was built with so much labor over decades disintegrating live. See, laugh and stick your tongue out.

The most obvious symbol of this government is MK Almog Cohen, with the same nauseating live that he broadcast on the night of the vote. Cohen at least does it openly. All the rest do things no less serious, under a fair cover and seemingly respectable acetella. In the coming weeks we may reach an unprecedented constitutional crisis.

If the promiscuous legislative blitz passes, the High Court may disqualify it. The entire act of legislation, as stated by the ombudsman, is illegal. Accused of serious crimes is a member of a serial criminal, who is a member of a group of outlaws full of revenge, who is a member of a minority of non-productive sectors that has been trying to “take down the High Court for 34 years” (Moshe Gafni, this week in the Knesset) in order to establish a Halacha state on our ruins.

If indeed the High Court rejects the legislation, it will be one of the most justified rejections ever. When that happens, the gatekeepers, the security organizations and the institutions will have to decide who they obey. This week we heard from the former head of the Shin Bet Yoram Cohen and the former Commissioners Roni Elshich and Assaf Hafetz say that in such a case, the rule of law and justice is decisive. It is hard to believe that we are approaching this concrete wall, but that is the case. The drunken locomotive drivers continue to dismantle everything that can be dismantled and throw the fragments into the fire, in order to increase the power of the steam and the speed.

The howls of joy and the sounds of explosions are heard all around, as the bulldozer fleet continues to advance into what remains of our gatekeepers, interrupted now and then by the corny pleas of the drunken captains to “talk”. I am in favor of dialogue. The only thing they have to do for there to be dialogue is to stop the legislation. You don’t need a stopwatch and you don’t need a deadline. want to talk stop Will it work? we earned will not succeed? keep going You have a stable coalition, you have time, where are you in a hurry?

Zero, they don’t stop for a moment. Law chases law, madness chases trolls, the crowd goes wild, smashes and shatters everything, burns the city down on its inhabitants. God’s vengeance and his messengers on earth are not seen with the eyes. Aryeh Deri takes revenge on the system that convicted him three times. Netanyahu is taking revenge on the State of Israel that filed charges against him.

Gafni takes revenge on the High Court of Justice, which protects the principle of equality and prevents the ultra-Orthodox from withdrawing quietly. Amsalem takes revenge on the police who arrested him and the Ashkenazim who upset him. Moshe Saada takes revenge on the Mahesh, which he did not get to chair. Kish avenges the revenge of others on Shai Nitzan, who dared to become the state’s attorney when the indictments were filed. Ben Gabir takes revenge on the police. Krei Nokm, on behalf of someone else, at the Broadcasting Corporation. Miri Regev takes revenge on Marev Michaeli. Tali Gottlieb is taking revenge on the women’s organizations and the Bar Association, where Hanoch Milbitsky is also taking revenge (a disciplinary indictment was filed against him at the bar). Almog Cohen takes revenge on the Arabs and the basic rules of human etiquette, while Galit Distel Atbarian takes revenge on everyone, just in case. It has already been said before, the revenge of a little boy was not created by the devil.

Millions of Israelis walk around with a sense of the end of the world. I’m not old enough to make a commitment, but it seems to me that such a depression has never been here before. When the enemy is external, the Israelis unite, their spirit is strengthened, they are not afraid of anyone. When the danger arose from within, when war was declared by brothers, it is a different event. Too many people think that talking about violence, about weapons, about war, is justified and legitimate. They are wrong.

Hundreds of thousands leave everything and demonstrate. Seven consecutive Sabbaths, and the hand is tilted. Mondays in Jerusalem. Men, women, old and young. From all sectors, genders and colors. They also demonstrate in Netanya, Hadera, Be’er Sheva, Kfar Saba, Eilat and dozens of other cities and colonies. They go out to fight for their country, to defend its principles, its values, its essence. In this battle they must not lose.

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