The State Research Agency allocates eight million euros to 40 projects against breast cancer

by time news

2023-10-19 10:17:09

The State Investigation Agency (AEI) has allocated more than eight million euros to finance research projects related to the fight against breast cancer.

On the occasion of the celebration of World Breast Cancer Daythe AEI has reported that in the last five years (2018-2022) it has funded 43 research projects that seek therapeutic alternatives against the most common oncological disease among Spanish women: every year are diagnosed around 35,000 new cases In our country.

One in eight Spanish women will have breast cancer at some point in her life, according to calculations by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM).

Although the mortality from this pathology has decreased in recent years thanks to screening programs and improved treatments, it is still the first cause of death from cancer in Spain among the female population: in 2020, 6,572 women died for this reason in our country, according to SEOM data.

The age of maximum incidence is over 50 yearsbut approximately a 10 % is diagnosed in women under 40 years old.

The State Research Agency has been firmly committed to those projects that study formulas to improve the therapeutic approach of breast cancer, as well as early diagnostic and the patient survival.

Recent advances in genetic-based treatments encourage us to strengthen and continue along this path

Domènec Espriu, director of AEI

The director of the AEI, Domènec Espriuhighlights that combating a disease that affects a very high number of women, and some men, requires an attack from many sides: “At the AEI we finance a good part of the most fundamental research in the biomedical field; “We also actively collaborate in the calls of the Spanish Association against Cancer and with other specialized organizations and institutions.”

Espriu points out that “recent advances in cancer treatments genetic basis encourage us to strengthen and continue down that path”.

Cells resistant to treatments and drugs

Among the 43 projects related to the study of breast cancer that have obtained funding in the last five years through the different calls launched by the AEI, different initiatives stand out that tend to employ the genetic for fight this disease. This is the case of the study he directs Roger Gomisfrom the Institute of Barcelona Biomedical Research (IRB)under the title ‘Identification of persistent and drug-tolerant breast cancer cells responsible for mediating the relapse after chemotherapy’, within the call for aid for ‘Knowledge Generation Projects’ 2022.

A study by the IRB of Barcelona seeks to identify cells that are tolerant to drugs and that can persist in a dormant state until they finally metastasize.

“Women with breast cancer (CaM) who develop metastasis they have few therapeutic options, and these are usually ineffective, so, in general, the outcome is fatal. One of the main problems when designing new treatment strategies is the lack of knowledge about how CaM cells they turn resistant to conventional therapies (for example, to the chemotherapy), persist in a latent state for decades and, finally, progress to cause metastasis,” explains Gomis.

With this proposal, in the words of the expert, “we propose identify persistent and drug-tolerant cells in breast cancer cells, which originate during treatment and can persist in a dormant state until they finally metastasize.” In summary, adds Gomis, “we propose to solve a recurring problem, defining in detail the resistant cells in this cancer. “We believe we have a good chance of success in addressing this ambitious goal.”

Metabolism and epigenetics

From the department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology of the University of the Basque Country (UPV), Amaia Arruabarrena-Aristorena coordinates the project ‘Function of epigenetic regulation of methylome of histones in the development of breast cancer’.

A project from the University of the Basque Country focuses on the interaction between cellular metabolism (related to our diet) and epigenetic regulation in the development of cancer.

The objective of this research, which also receives aid from the AEI’s 2022 ‘Knowledge Generation Projects’ call, is “to lay the foundations for epigenetic regulation in breast cancer, with the ultimate goal of obtaining potential combinatorial therapies personalized for patients”, as specified by the scientist responsible for the study.

Arruabarrena-Aristorena indicates that “the project focuses on studying the interaction between cellular metabolism (very related to our diet) and the epigenetic regulation during the development of breast cancer.” Epigenetics studies the mechanisms of gene expression, he adds, “which do not modify the DNA that composes them.” Each of our cells “stores two meters of DNA, and for this our genetic material rolls up and condensation forming a very controlled structure; When it comes to ‘reading’ our genes (that is, for them to be expressed), that structure has to open correctly,” he explains. In this process, “epigenetic regulation and the highly related metabolism are crucial,” says Arruabarrena. Aristorena.

Regarding the benefits for patients that this project will bring, the researcher from the University of the Basque Country defends: “Our research is mainly basic. Therefore, we create knowledge and lay the necessary foundations so that clinical studies can be carried out that give rise to therapeutic alternatives for the clinic. “It is a medium-long term investment, but totally necessary to advance the treatment of patients.”

Fuente: State Investigation Agency

Rights: Creative Commons.

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