The state still has a lot to do to make women feel safe – Bekeshev

by time news

MP Dastan Bekeshev congratulated women on International Women’s Day and reminded that this day is not only about flowers, sweets, etc., but about the struggle for equality between women and men.

According to Bekeshev, the Kyrgyz authorities still have a lot to do so that women celebrate March 8 and other days with a sense of security and joy.

In particular, the deputy says that no woman should be left without education, no law enforcement officer should go unpunished for hiding or inaction in cases of violence against women.

In addition, Bekeshev says that it is necessary to ban the promotion of values, according to which a woman should stay at home and “hope on her husband,” as well as give women preferential loans to start a business. He believes that many free kindergartens should be opened so that women can work and increase child benefits, so that single mothers are supported not only with words, but also with finances.

“Happy International Women’s Day. God forbid that in the minds of statesmen March 8 is not designated only as an occasion to give flowers, ”Bekeshev wrote.

In 2021, in the Women’s Peace and Security (WPS) Global Index, Kyrgyzstan was recognized as the most insecure country for women in Central Asia, ranking 97th.

The international human rights organization Amnesty International noted that domestic violence in Kyrgyzstan in 2021 was “ubiquitous”. The report of the organization stated that the victims were reluctant to contact the police because they were economically dependent on the aggressors and were afraid of stigmatization in society.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that over 10,000 cases of domestic violence were registered in Kyrgyzstan in 2021.

It is very difficult to achieve real punishment for a family aggressor – most cases fall under administrative responsibility, where the perpetrator can get off with a fine or community service. At the same time, the aggressor, feeling his impunity, continues domestic violence.

Systematic domestic violence leads to the killing of women by their husbands, cohabitants or ex-partners. Such killings are called femicide.

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