“The steel mill? A fly must not come out of those catacombs »- time.news

by time news
from Marco Imarisius

The Russian president and the defense minister appeared together for the first time since February 28 to announce the taking of the “capital of the Nazis of Azov”: Putin blatantly blocked Shoigu’s plan to take the steel plant (“Inappropriate, delete it now “) and used animal metaphors to talk about Ukrainian resisters

Difficulties require the now famous long table, to mark one’s distance. The victories, on the other hand, must be announced face to face, sitting opposite each other and separated by a few centimeters.

This morning Vladimir Putin and his defense minister, the enigmatic Sergey Shoigudisappeared since the beginning of the war and sporadically reappeared in recorded videos, have appeared together for the first time since last February 28thwhen the head of the Russian army, together with the Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov, received, from a distance, and with a perplexed expression, the order to activate nuclear deterrence.

Today, however, they were very close. Shoigu went to the Kremlin for announce the taking of Mariupol.

“The city was liberated by the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the people’s militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic. The remnants of the nationalist training took refuge in the industrial area of ​​the plant Azovstal. In 2014, the Kiev regime declared the city a temporary capital in fact of the Donetsk region, transforming it in eight years into a powerful fortified area and a refuge for radical Ukrainian nationalists. This is actually the capital of “Azov”, the “Azov” battalion. ‘

The latest news on the war in Ukraine

The tone may sound like a press release, or a lecture recited from memory by a pupil in front of a stern professor. But it is the literal transcription of the meeting, which took the solemn step of a carefully prepared play.

The emphasis on the importance of Mariupol, defined capital of the Azov battalion, or of the Nazis according to the propaganda of the Kremlinmakes it possible to bring to the Victory Day on 9 May that result that Putin was so keen on, to present himself to his people as the leader of an army that is achieving its objectives.

Shoigu seems to say that the credit is not his, but Putin’s, often referring to the instructions he received from the Kremlin. “During the liberation of Mariupol, the Russian army and the DPR people’s militia units took all measures to save the lives of civilians. Here, at your instruction, Vladimir Vladimirovich, humanitarian corridors have been opened every day since March 21 for the evacuation of civilians and foreign citizens. Today, the whole of Mariupol is under the control of the Russian armythe People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic e the territory of the Azovstal factory with the remains of foreign nationalists and mercenaries is securely locked».

The defense minister says that it will take 3-4 days “to finish the job”.

But here, after Shoigu’s long speech, Putin intervenes, in a dry way. “I consider the proposed assault on the industrial zone inappropriate. I order you to cancel this project».
“Yes,” Shoigu said.

From here on, it is a monologue by the president, interrupted three times by the “obey” of his subordinate.

“This is the case where we must think – that is, we must always think, but in this case even more – about preserving the life and health of our soldiers and officers. There is no need to climb these catacombs and crawl underground through these industrial structures. So, block this industrial zone so that a fly does not come out».

As usual, Putin uses animal metaphors. The internal enemies, the fifth columns, had been called ground-spitting gnats, Azov’s resisters are flies, a small thing, a nuisance. What matters is the result.

“The completion of the combat work to free Mariupol is a success. Congratulations. Send your thanks to the troops. Please submit proposals to reward our distinguished soldiers for state recognition. It is clear that in these cases it cannot be otherwise, they are different awards, but I want everyone to know: in our understanding, they are all heroes, in the understanding of all of Russia. They are all heroes ». The president repeated it twice, to underline the importance of the goal achieved.

“Right, the liberation of such an important center in the South as Mariupol is a success. Congratulations »concludes magnanimously.

Shoigu: “Grazie, Vladimir Valdimirovich.”

The table for the great parade on May 9th is set. Putin announced his victory. Now it remains to be seen if he can be satisfied. Or if she will move on. Even because alone, Mariupol is not enough to justify such high losses by the Russian army. And sooner or later, someone will ask for an account.

April 21, 2022 (change April 21, 2022 | 12:25)

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