The step backwards of Milan and Juve in the Super League

by time news – Milan and Juventus step back in the Super League project. “We accepted the invitation to participate in the Super League project with the genuine intention of creating the best possible European competition for fans around the world, for tuse the interests of the Club and our supporters“, Milan writes on its website.

“Change is not easy – adds the company – but evolution is necessary to progress, and also the structure of European football has evolved and changed over the years. But the voices and concerns of fans around the world regarding the Super League project have been strong and clear, and our Club must remain sensitive and attentive to the opinion of those who love this wonderful sport. However, we will continue to work actively to define a sustainable model for the world of football. ”

For its part, Juventus speaks of “reduced chances of completing the project”. “With reference to the press release issued by Juventus Football Club SpA on 19 April 2021, relating to the project to create the Super League, and the subsequent public debate – a note reads – the Issuer specifies that it is aware of the request and of the otherwise expressed intentions of some clubs to withdraw from this project, although the necessary procedures under the agreement between the clubs have not been completed. “

In this context, the Juventus club, “while remaining convinced of the validity of the sporting, commercial and legal conditions of the project, believes that it currently presents little chance of being completed in the form in which it was initially conceived. Juventus remains committed to building long-term value for the club and for the entire football movement. “


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