The STEREO-A spacecraft passes close to Earth after 17 years in space

by time news

2023-08-16 14:45:25

NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft has passed close to Earth for the first time since it launched into space in 2006 and began to move away from our world. The closest approach occurred on August 12.

The twin STEREO (Solar TERrestrial RElations Observatory) spacecraft launched into space on October 25, 2006 from the US Air Force Base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA.

STEREO-A (whose letter “A” stands for “Ahead”) passed Earth in its orbit around the Sun, while STEREO-B (whose letter “B” stands for from “Behind”, from behind) did just the opposite, lagging behind Earth. Both spacecraft adopted orbits around the Sun similar to Earth’s.

For the first few years after launch, the mission of both spacecraft achieved its historic goal: to provide the first stereoscopic or multi-perspective view of our closest star.

On February 6, 2011, the mission achieved another milestone: STEREO-A and STEREO-B achieved 180 degree separation in their orbits. For the first time, humanity saw our Sun as a complete sphere. Never before has it been possible to see both full sides of the Sun at the same time.

Ultimately, the STEREO spacecraft gave us a three-dimensional view of the Sun.

Artist’s impression of STEREO-A observing the Sun. (Image: NASA GSFC)

The mission accomplished many other scientific feats over the years, and researchers studied the solar landscape offered by each of the two spacecraft until 2014, when the mission control center on Earth lost contact with STEREO-B. after a scheduled reboot.

However, STEREO-A continues on its journey, capturing solar landscapes of the side of the Sun that is not currently visible from Earth.

In addition, the combination of the STEREO-A images with those captured by other spacecraft from other positions makes it possible to see both sides of the Sun at the same time and obtain very precise 3D information.

This month, STEREO-A’s lead over Earth in its journey around the Sun has increased to one full revolution. (Source: NCYT from Amazings)

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