the stories of Marco Mottolese-

by time news

In the collection published by Castelvecchi our suspended condition. The author: Covid has become the confessional in which we forgive all our sins

There are only two ways to respond to the pandemic and its pandemonium: feel sorry for yourself or tell with a little irony what happened. Perhaps, the real PNRR – the very famous, by now, National Recovery and Resilience Plan – just that: narrating the bad science fiction film, in which we all suddenly found ourselves, as a hyper-realistic episode of modern life of the 21st century. Marco Mottolese did what many have imagined doing, but then, taken either by anguish or by nonsense, they stopped and did not have the courage to take off the mask: has put on paper short stories that, reread in single file, give us the alienating novel of our life turned upside down by the virus: I was injected with the wrong vaccine (Castelvecchi).

Who has not been touched by this doubt? Who hasn’t come to terms with this worm: who knows what they injected into me? Marco Mottolese – who writes on Leggo, on Touring Club, on time.newshe founded a publishing house and does many other things halfway between communication and creation – he was visited by the same demon of doubt and he was certain that he had been given something strange, but very strange, when he received the call from the clinic where he had just been and heard, as if it were the most normal thing in the world: Excuse us, we exchanged the vials… We accidentally inoculated her with the vaccine to prevent the onset of love….

the incipit of the story of Mottolese’s tales who, to illustrate the strangeness and disorientation of the Covid pandemic, uses a sort of strange overload in which reality becomes surreal, the true now becomes plausible and now unlikely but the final result is a kind of reconciliation with ourselves and with the time lost in the most incredible two years of our life.

The world that emerges from the pages of Mottolese is neither beautiful nor ugly. the world. And the world at the same time beautiful and ugly, good and bad, sensible and senseless. Especially contagious. A bit like the bus that traveled full of passengers and now, suddenly, travels in a suspended, unreal, lost time that seems to have gone on vacation: As in an ancient oriental exercise, the driver transports the void to understand the full.

The short, very short stories of Mottolese, almost snapshots, give us the possibility of review the pandemic film frame by frame, absurdity after absurdity, or to see ourselves in the mirror to understand how we were and how we became. In a few lines there are the past, the present and the future together. The school, the distance, the presence, the city, the green pass, the control, the security, the freedom, the love, the young people, the elderly: there is a whole small ancient world that has become a small contemporary world that, together, ours and stranger, normal and alienating. In some passages it seems to be in a story by Dino Buzzati, in one of those sensational ones Sixty stories where the physical world becomes metaphysical and a vision shows the dark side of things.

The virus that shocked the world, in the end, a litmus test that allows me to split on the fly – says the author in his final letter of love and hate for Covid – the good from the bad, the ignorant from the educated, especially the stupidity of intelligence. You you are the unwitting pop confessional where we are forgiving our sins. Let’s hope the confession goes well. Mottolese’s stories are not a removal of sins and troubles, but a crossing of life, the sins of the world.

March 17, 2022 (change March 17, 2022 | 19:08)

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