The story of the battery factory in Iváncsa is getting more and more complicated: they are currently hiring 200 Hungarian workers 2024-07-22 15:33:51

by time news

Something has moved in the battery factory in Iváncsa, where 200 Hungarian workers are currently being recruited, Melinda Mészáros, head of the league’s Trade Unions, confirmed in the Világgazdaság podcast, Brutto. Two weeks ago, we reported that a complete turnaround had taken place around the house of the South Korean-owned company, as the company published new job advertisements on its Facebook page. All of this was surprising because just two months ago, citing a lack of orders, the company group, which was otherwise struggling globally, laid off all the guest workers.

The company is still profitable, there is no drama at Iváncsa

Production is continuous at Iváncsa, there is no question of a crash

this is what Tamás Székely, the president of the Hungarian Chemical Workers’ Union, told Világgazdaság, who added that regardless of the financial situation of the South Korean parent company in the past period, according to his information, the local subsidiary is still producing profitably. That is why he sees that there is no dramatic situation at the Samsung factory in Iváncsa or Gödö, production is continuous in both plants.

According to Tamás Székely, the economic effects of the weakening of the electric car industry cannot be denied, which will also be reflected in our exports in the next period, but as he said, there is no crash. Although he expressed his reservations about the government’s industrial policy, he thinks it is a shame to bury the automobile industry.

Only Hungarians are being recruited now, there are still 700-800 workers in the factory

However, there is a big difference in the current labor situation in the factory, that this time they are not looking for guest workers, but only Hungarian workers. Before the dismissals, a total of 2,200 people worked in the factory, of which approximately 700-800 were Hungarian, the rest Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Ukrainian and Filipino. Since they were sent away, now only Hungarians remain, whose number may continue to increase. The company is still looking for nearly 200 Hungarian employees.

Tamás Székely emphasized that the goal of the current management is to employ as many Hungarian workers as possible, because experience so far shows that it is easier to employ their own workforce than hired ones.

At the same time, Melinda Mészáros drew attention to the fact that it is far from easy to find Hungarian workers, which will certainly be a more difficult process than recruiting guest workers.

2024-07-22 15:33:51

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