The strange “stone bench” captured in the latest photos of NASA’s “Perseverance” is the remains of a Martian civilization? | NASA | Perseverance | Strange Bench | Martian Civilization | Ruins | Curiosity

by time news

[Voice of Hope, August 16, 2022](Editor: Guo Xiao)When human beings explore the mysteries of the universe, people find that there are many planets in the universe besides the earth. In the vast universe, the earth is only a drop in the ocean, but human beings were born here. Since so many life forms can exist on the earth, are there life forms on other planets too? Despite the continuous advancement of technology, human capabilities are still very limited. At present, it is still impossible to personally reach other planets for field exploration, but such exploration can be completed by launching probes. In the process of exploring Mars, people were surprised to find some incredible photos on Mars. There are objects similar to human figures on such a desolate planet, which seem to be reaching out to human probes.

The figure-like object appears to be reaching for the probe (Image: NASA)

Some netizens believe that if Martians really exist, then they must be very curious about objects from the earth, so this shadow is completely in line with the assumption and is worthy of in-depth study. In addition, although some experts have explained the “human-shaped shadow” on the surface of Mars, this may be a coincidence of the “Curiosity” rover’s robotic arm due to the angle problem, but there are also other views that there are suspected pyramids and planes on the surface of Mars. The discovery of buildings such as runways is not necessarily without the existence of advanced civilization. At present, there are two possibilities, one is that there is a civilization on Mars, and it has developed to a sufficient height; the other is that there is no advanced civilization on Mars, just due to various coincidences due to suitable conditions.

NASA recently released an update on its Perseverance rover on Mars, which has become the furthest rover to travel on Mars since Curiosity. The “Perseverance” has just completed a drilling sampling mission, which is believed to be the oldest rock sample in Jezero Crater. Unlike “Curiosity”, “Perseverance”‘s automatic navigation system can help the rover avoid obstacles on the ground and help protect the rover’s wheels from wear, while another Mars rover “Curiosity” is Facing the trouble of broken wheels. Although the Jezero crater was formed by a meteorite impact, it is also an ancient lake in ancient times. It is full of weathered bedrock. “Perseverance” unexpectedly photographed a strange “stone bench”.

Perseverance captured a strange ‘stone bench’ (Image: NASA)

After seeing it, netizens said that this “stone bench” is absolutely impossible to form naturally, and it is likely to be a relic left by the Martian civilization. On this basis, people are more curious about Mars, and they still believe that more advanced life once appeared on Mars. All the mysteries on the red planet. As the planet with the highest similarity to Earth, Mars has always played an important role, and we will wait and see the future development results.

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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1 comment

Jack Wang August 17, 2022 - 8:19 am

Please give the NASA PIC number of “stone bench”-like picture! I don’t find out it from nasa’s galery.


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