The structure of Sant’Egidio, which forms the gates of humanity

by time news

The National Day of Migrants and Migrants is celebrated in Italy every year on October 3 to commemorate those who have lost their lives due to migration.

Marina Raj- Vatican

Cecilia Pani, head of the migrant department of the organization, said that the Sant’Egidio organization continues to work to create humanitarian gates and rehabilitate a large number of migrants coming to Europe who want to live a safe life.

Pani, head of the organization, said this while sharing news of their Sant’Egidio organization with a Vatican reporter ahead of Italy’s National Migrants and Migrants Day, October 3.

Pani said that this day was created to commemorate the 368 people who lost their lives in a boat accident in the sea near the island of Lampedusa nine years ago. Various efforts and projects are being made to create a good and safe life for immigrants and migrants. Till date, about 5,000 people have migrated safely to Europe due to this organization, Pani said.

Expressing concern that 22,000 people have lost their lives during migration and emigration, Pani said that the Sant’Egidio organization’s migrant unit, which was launched in 2016, has helped migrants from Africa and Lebanon to travel safely not only to Italy but also to countries like France and Belgium.

Pani recalled the Pope’s return visit to Lampedusa in 2013 and said that the Sant’Egidio organization continues to work for the protection, development and unity of the migrants as the Pope has emphasized, and that the respective governments should provide opportunities for migrants and migrants to work, protect and learn languages.

Pani highlighted that minors born to migrants and immigrants living in Italy spend their school, college and entire life in Italy, and minors who do not know their parents’ countries of origin should be given Italian citizenship before the age of 18, and Sant’Egidio is working for this.

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