The study on the Urban Distribution of Goods ready to start pilot tests

by time news

In this phase, Q-Global, as the technical team in charge of the project, delivers to the councils involved a manual of good practices of the DUM and creates work tables in each municipality with the various agents involved: mayor’s office, local police, urban planning department and representatives of the goods transport sector.

The manual refers to good practices that can be adapted to populations with a very diverse profile, both in areas with a high number of inhabitants throughout the year, and in others that have great tourist pressure and an increase in commercial and hotel activity during the high season. The document includes recommendations in various aspects such as the characteristics of loading and unloading areas, authorized vehicles, signage, control systems, alternative forms of distribution or information campaigns.

For their part, the mobility tables seek to be a tool to reach agreement, collaboration and cooperation of all the parties involved in order to avoid decisions and solutions that do not solve the problems of each one and promote improvements and innovation in this expanding sector.

A project that started in 2021

During the summer of 2021, the first phase began to be carried out, that of field work through observation, team analysis, statistics, research and surveys, in coastal populations. In the months of September and October of the same year, the same analysis was carried out in the regional capitals. With all these visits, FOEG assures that the conclusion was reached that “homogeneous ordinances are needed in order to facilitate the transport of goods, reduce traffic congestion and improve sustainability”.

The completion of these studies, with which the current manual of good practices has been published, was presented on April 26, 2022 to the Diputació de Girona.

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