The Summit of the Group of 77 and China meets in Havana

by time news

2023-09-15 19:06:53

With the theme “Current challenges of development: role of science, technology and innovation”, the first day of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 and China takes place this Friday in Havana, convened by Cuba in its capacity as president for the time of the mechanism.

The summit is called to contribute to efforts to move towards a unitary approach of the countries of the South in the face of the great challenges they face in the international sphere.

It will be a fundamental space for consultation in view of the Sustainable Development Goals Summit that will take place on the 18th and 19th in New York, and the Future Summit, which will be held in 2024.

The agenda of the summit, at the Convention Palace in the Cuban capital, will allow the more than 100 participating high-level delegations to express a State vision of current problems, in a context in which the development of the South is going well. measured by the use of knowledge, science, the development of technology and access to it, as well as the development of innovation.

The presidency for the time of Cuba in the G77 and China during 2023 has been committed to giving continuity to the group’s historical claimsin particular those related to the need for a new international economic order, the reform of the global financial architecture, the rejection of unilateral coercive measures, situations of concentration of wealth or growth of poverty, including extreme poverty, and the growing and increasingly overwhelming burden of external debt for the South.

Likewise, a vision based on knowledge, academia and science has been promoted in the face of humanity’s most pressing problems, including the international political disputes that determine the present and future of the planet.

In times of systemic crisis, it is essential that conditions are created to access and use technology and innovation and, at the same time, chart paths in terms of political coordination for South-South cooperation, North-South cooperation or related formulas.

In that sense, the G77 and China Summit in Havana will be of great importance due to the nature of the agenda and the political declaration that will be signed as a result of the high-level event, also focused on practical actions.

As is usual in the G77 and China, the text will be the result of a broad, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental negotiation process.

In 2023, Cuba assumed the high responsibility of leading the largest and most diverse consultation group in the multilateral sphere.with 134 Member States representing two-thirds of the membership of the United Nations Organization and 80% of the world’s population.

In 1964, within the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and at the end of the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Group of 77 was created. Currently, 134 nations, representing Latin America, Africa and South Asia, make up the mechanism. In 1992, China joined, a country that participates and collaborates externally.

#Summit #Group #China #meets #Havana

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