The super health certificate to work, closer and closer in Italy

by time news

The government of Italy seeks to apply the sanitary certificate reinforced to the workers of the country, amid the objections that so far have prevented its implementation, despite the fact that the Executive wants to approve it in the next Council of Ministers, on January 5.

President Mario Draghi wants the “super certificate”, which It is granted only to those vaccinated or to those who have overcome the disease and that many consider “a masked mandatory vaccination”, takes effect at work as soon as possible.

The prime minister has the support of the main progressive formation, the Democratic Party (PD), as well as Silvio Berlusconi’s conservative Forza Italia (FI). The anti-caste 5 Star Movement (M5S) also seems to favor the measure, while the far-right Liga and its leader, Matteo Salvini, who faces an internal debate in their formation on the matter, oppose the measure.

The secretary general of the PD, the former prime minister Enrico Letta, is in fact in favor of compulsory vaccinationLike Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia Viva, who reached a popular petition to collect signatures so that “the State assumes the responsibility of imposing” vaccines before its own citizens.

“The Government is discussing the obligation to be vaccinated and the obligation of the ‘super green pass’ in the workplace. FI is in favor of both solutions,” declared this Thursday the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini.

At the moment, Draghi’s efforts are channeled into imposing the reinforced anticovid pass: according to government sources, the Executive is studying “how to proceed, evaluating the complexities of the different sectors,” so technical consultations will continue in the coming days and, At the beginning of next week, there could also be a talk with “the social partners, trade unions and companies”.

Rejections in the opposition

The parliamentary forces opposed to this measure, which include the far-right Brothers of Italy, who are not part of the government majority, emphasize that the greatest difficulties in applying it would be the implications for those who violate the norm, such as suspension of salary or other penalties. , and controls.

But Government sources recall that there were also “doubts” when Italy became the first country in Europe to introduce the normal health certificate, granted to vaccinated, cured of Covid-19 and carriers of a test carried out in the last 48 hours.

The differences on the introduction of the “reinforced green pass” within the majority could be verified in the last council of ministers, last Wednesday, which approved urgent measures for the pandemic in view of the rapid spread of the Ómicron variant, which marked a new record of cases in Italy in the last 24 hours, with about 127,000.

Although there was no agreement to approve it for the workers, but it was decided that the super pass would be necessary, from January 10, to be able to access means of transport, in addition to hotels, ceremonies or festivals, when until now it was used for leisure and to consume in bars and restaurants.

In addition, quarantine was abolished for those vaccinated for less than four months or with the booster dose for close contact with a positive, a measure that has come into force today after its publication in the Official State Gazette.

EFE source



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